Deep Hip Exercise Barefoot

Deep Hip Awareness Exercise, Barefoot Training, and “Nature as Teacher” Tours

I just can’t help myself. Anytime I get out on a trail and kick my shoes off, I can’t stop myself from talking about hip health. Finding your deep hip muscles is critical to get nice, balanced “centration” and help you make space in the joint and send a message of calm to all the tense “outer” muscles around the…

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Human Yoga for Healthy Hips

Great Hip Exercise For Flexibility and Strength Using “Human Yoga” Principles


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Two Great Hip Exercises That Also Help Back Pain And Knee Pain


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My Favorite “Near Magic” Hip Exercise That “Switches On” Organic Posture

In today’s episode of Core Wellness TV, I reveal my “Go To” exercise for anyone with hip and knee pain.  And it just so happens that it’s also GREAT for “switching on” what I call your “Inner Spiral of Power”! Czech neurologists and physiotherapists have been using this strategy for decades but now the secret is OUT! In addition, you’ll…

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Awesome Combo Exercise For Your Low Back, Hips, and Knees

If I had a favorite combination exercise for the low back, hips, and knees…this is IT! The #1 benefit is likely it’s ability to take the load off of your low back and give you more confidence that you back will support you. For the hips…it will help you get more mobility AND stability along with good functional movement that…

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