Use your core to lift properly

Core lifting tutorial for back pain (lifting with your legs myth?)

As you can imagine…I get a LOT of questions about back pain and what to do about it. And to be honest, more than half the time it’s the same general theme. Move your hips better and brace like a baby…especially when you lift. So…amazingly…on the exact same place Abraham Lincoln grew up from the age of 7 to 21, by…

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scapula position for pulling

2-Step Posture Process To Relieve Shoulder Tension (plus snow shoveling advice to save your spine)

2 big take homes in today’s episode of Core Wellness TV… FIRST…Snow Shoveling safety. We’re getting snow dumped upon us here in Southern Indiana and a lot of people who never do any shoveling of any kind get out and clear their driveways and sidewalks…and hurt themselves in the process. So we revisit the “hip hinge” process to save your spine…

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spine rounding in yoga safe?

Forward Bends…Should You “Round” Your Spine? (Yoga Controversy)

Today on Core Wellness TV, I answer a very important question about “to round or not to round” your spine when you bend forward. Jackie left this GREAT question about Yoga on my last blog post about keeping a flat back and “hip hinging” to save your spine: ——————– “Dr. Steve, This makes a lot of sense. I have been…

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hip hinge snow shovel

Great “Movement Hack” To Save Your Low Back Discs When Shoveling Snow (or anything else!)

Since we’re in the middle of getting our first good snowfall of the winter (about 10 inches or so) I thought I would re-post this video from a few years back talking about the CRITICAL importance of the “HIP HINGE” when you shovel snow, or dirt, or rocks, or even s*^t 🙂 It also applies ANYTIME you bend over.  …

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Reverse CPS Now!

More Hip Hinge Tips To Protect Your Spine Plus…How To Correct Forward Head Posture

[Video Below]   Since there's been such a positive response to my recent episodes on how to protect your spine with hip hinging and hip mobility in general, I put this this episode together to take it to another level and help you reverse the "old looking" and damaging "Forward Head Posture".   This combination move is a "must do"…

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Reverse CPS Now!

Save Your Spine With This “Hip Hinge” Posture Exercise (How To Avoid A Bulging Disc)

This one leg “hip hinge” exercise is crucially important for sparing your spine and helping you avoid disc injury and the life altering sciatica that often comes along with it. Actually, this is one of the best herniated disc exercises ever because it fixes one of the main CAUSES of disc bulges or disc herniations…too much spinal flexion (bending forward…

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