sciatica disc test

3 Lessons for Releasing Stress, Solving Sciatica, and Healing Your Gut

After a couple months of hibernation and contemplation, I”m back outside at Vissing park this weekend sharing some solid strategies for pain relief, stress relief, and a healthy gut. Here’s want to expect: The “Mindset” Piece… This morning I treated a patient with a headache of several days duration from neck and shoulder tension that was driven by some deep mental /…

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Natural Allergy Relief Strategies – Part One: The Leaky Gut

The Gut Connection To Natural Allergy Relief In these 2 short but AWESOME videos below you'll see what's actually happening inside your gut and why keeping your gut healthy is CRITICAL if you want to get rid your allergies once and for all! In my next post I'll talk about the "4R" gut restoration program to fix a leaky gut…

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