5 month side lying "transition" exercise

The “5 Month Side Lying Transition” Exercise To Fix Forward Head and Rounded Shoulders

Let’s take your body back in time to when you were 5 months old and re-awaken your ideal posture and movement patterns, OK? This “transition” exercise is critical for training your shoulder blades to automatically go to their optimal position for: Less neck tension (and less headaches) Better shoulder “ball and socket” alignment (helps with tendonitis, bursitis, impingement syndrome, etc)…

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Key Link for neck and low back pain

Key Exercise For Forward Head Posture, Neck Pain, and Low Back Pain

How can a simple bendable tripod explain neck and back pain?  Simple. If one area doesn’t move…then a different area has to take all the load! Learn which areas of your spine need to move more and a simple exercise for the #1 key link and take a load off your neck and low back.   [fb-like] Resources From Today’s…

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