Centration for Pain Relief

[Video] What REALLY Causes Pain (and how to make your own morphine)

Here we go!  Ready to make some NEW things HAPPEN this year? THEN LET’S LEARN AND DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! In this recent Q&A video excerpted from my coaching program, I share how to make your brain actually drip some pain relieving morphine into your system (really…it’s true!) I also talk about why building STRENGTH is not what helps with pain…HINT…it’s more about…

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Reverse CPS Now!

5 (At Least) Ways To Build Your Buffer Against Stress Induced Pain and Disease

Today’s Episode is filmed in the heat of the day (115 degree heat index) after an hour-long workout at the park to make a point about STRESS and how you MUST “Build Your Buffer”! WHY?…So you can avoid the pain, fatigue, disease, and overall grumpiness that comes with stress induced unhealthy aging! Watch now and get tips on physical, mental,…

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Reverse CPS Now!

Recycle Gravity and Stop Energy Leaks To Reverse Aging NOW!

Before you get today's lesson I just want to let you know that I've been back to work on the "Do This First" posture and health coaching course!  Now I've got over half of the exercises uploaded and ready to go! I've also decided that, in addition to the posture restoration and pain relief education, I'm going to include the same mental and nutritional stress reduction program I teach…

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