“Get Off The Nail” and Burn More Fat with Peace Physiology

Today’s episode is a bit unorthodox… The lighting is bad.  The video’s a little shaky (hey, I AM on a stair climber!)  But…I just had to share this. Something happens when I’m in the middle of my aerobic workout and my brain kicks in.   Normally I just scribble barely legible notes in my sketch book, but today I decided to…

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My Secret Love Affair With Cardio [Cardio vs High Intensity Interval Training]

You’ve probably seen or heard the warnings NOT to do cardio exercise and that it’s actually a “myth” you should avoid. As I was doing my cardio workout today, I was telling myself I needed to set the record straight for you. I also reveal some secrets about how to use high intensity interval training (HIIT) for maximum fat burning…

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