spinal decompression

The Romaine Lettuce Guide For Spine and Brain Decongestion

One of the biggest problems I see in my practice and in my online coaching students is compression. You know how everything sometimes just feels heavy and “squished together” and it just feels like it needs to be “pulled apart”? It’s a sign that you are out of balance and losing your battle with gravity! So today I share 3…

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Reverse CPS Now!

3 Ways To Correct Your Posture And Reverse Your Body Age

Have you ever seen a 40 year old who looked like a 60 year old?  Or vice versa? Of course!  But how does it happen??? ONE WORD…STRESS Stress draws you in and closes you down.  And as you’ll see in the video, it’s the same pattern that someone with cerebral palsy or post stroke might exhibit.  VERY PREDICTABLE! The exciting…

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