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The Best Shoulder Pain Exercise (Part 2) and Getting Up Off The Floor

2 Big Things To Talk About In Today's Episode Of Core Wellness TV! FIRST:  An Exciting Announcement: As you'll see, I'm standing along the beautiful Current River in Missouri during this episode.  And as you'll discover when you watch the announcement, I'm finally overcoming my resistance to doing live events on the road. So if you like the way I explain movement, posture,…

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Simple Exercise For Tight Neck and Shoulders, Life Saving Fats, And A Mental Feel Good Switch

What if I said you could focus on just ONE THING and automatically release tension and the "uptight" feeling in your neck and shoulders? Learning about the European "grounding" technique I demonstrate in today's episode changed the way I teach core stability and has impacted hundreds of my private clients but now I want to share it with you! And…

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New Test and Exercise For Neck and Shoulder Posture, Irritable Bowel Relief Case Study, and How To Stay Motivated

Today is another episode based on the "3 Pillars of Core Wellness", 1. Mindset 2. Movement 3. Nutrition In the "Mindset" piece you'll learn the "go deeper" strategy for staying motivated when you're in the middle of making healthy change. The physical "Movement" piece will let you know real quick if your shoulders and core are up to snuff.  I'll…

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The Best Shoulder Pain Exercise EVER! How To Fix Your “Sick Scapula”

This extremely simple shoulder exercise is the MOST IMPORTANT exercise to do to both treat and prevent rotator cuff tendonitis and tears, impingement syndrome, bursitis, arthritis, and even frozen shoulder! Although I didn’t mention it in the video, doing this important shoulder blade exercise also helps relieve tight and tense shoulder and neck muscles.    The bottom line…the better your shoulder…

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