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Passed the floor angel test easily. Have been described by physios as hyper-mobile. Yet am experiencing neck pain, numbness and tingling, so much so, cannot play golf & tennis anymore as any impact hurts.
Need to have further input to make sure there are no cervical disc lesions,an MRI or CT scan. Also look to see if there is any impingement of the 1st ribs.
Yay! I passed!
I passed. Muscles were tight and it took a while for them to relax to the point to where it didn't hurt, but everything touched the floor according to the video's instructions right away.
Feel like I cheated a bit. 🙂 I watched some other videos first and tucked my shoulder blades down which brought instant pain relief! yay So, for the test, I did ok, but probably considered a fail bc my wrists were 2 fingers off the floor with rib cage down. Wrists flat with rib cage up slightly. I do have tiny wrists and, I think, larger forearms, but probably not significant.
Hey Doc Steve,
This test exposed exactly the problem that I've been dealing with for the last few months. I'm an extremely flexible person, but 6-7 months ago I started having what I thought were symptoms of a rotator cuff injury. I couldn't get my left arm to lay flat, and trying would cause severe pain. The shoulder seems a lot better, not perfect, but none of the severe pain, but still my wrist won't come closer than 6" to the floor. Then about 3 weeks ago, the carpal tunnel symptoms started. All my research led me to believe that it's more related to the shoulder problem and not really carpal tunnel, but mostly because the symptoms have been changing. The CTS symptoms have also mellowed out some, but are still present. I'm hoping that I'm going to discover how to eliminate these problems and get back to being active and flexible, my pre-52 year old self – based on what I've heard from you so far – I'm just getting started – you've already mentioned everything that's happening with me.
Hi Doc, i am unable to lay flat to the floor at all my lower back remains arched (you could drive a bus under it) and the back of my head wont touch the floor, the back of my hands are maybe six inches from the floor. My pain is through the roof I am on Ibrupfophen and Co codamol and my GP has refered me for phyisio. I have severe pain in my right shoulder and tingling/numbness in my fingers on my right hand, this has been going on for four weeks now and is causing me a lot of problems. Any help would be greatly apreciated.
Sounds like you might have some significant thoracic spine mobility problems. You can try modified down dog as seen here (1:50 mark)
Also I’m assuming they ruled out disc issues in your neck. If not…make sure they do.
Hi dr Steve, I have same problems as this guy but also got a s1l5 herniated disc on left side. It was caused by physio taking my knee up by my ear 3weeks in a row. I'm in constant pain out that disc going in to hip. Would your course help in my case.
Thankyou. Kelly
Left wrist and neck a squeak away from floor, darn it. I have been experiencing headaches in the left temporal area as well as what feels like medial deltoid pain in my left arm.
Hi Dr. Steve,
I'm back afther a whilw of abcence, (sorry).
I just got it, but with a more tension on the right shoulder, (old injory).
So not realy convinced of sucseeding the test
No problem with rib cage down. However, wrists were not touching the ground. They were about 2-3 inches raised.
Have had tingling in my arms, but most of my problem is pain in the left hip that sometimes shoots to the buttock and from time to time down the leg. Most of the severe pain is at night. Wakes me up and keeps me from having a good night sleep. Cannot find a good position. It is painful to lay on my left side. Have had this since Feb 2014 but recall having it back in 2010 (not as painful). Have tried lots of sciatica and piriformis exercises with little to no improvement.
Hey Dr Steve,
Big fail for me on this test. Rib cage is staying down but I can barely get my hands to touch the floor, let alone my wrists. Severe pain in my shoulders when I even try to get my hands down.
I passed the test!! I have lots of neck pain but was injured years ago, so probably nothing that I can do about that.
I accidently deleted the first Upper Crossed email witht the video "tests" Can you resend please? Thank you!
Lower ribs slightly straining against position. With effort can remember to breathe wide into my back. Wrists slightly cocked. Neck has two finger high arch which I can pull longer but not flat.
I became interested in your work because my rib cage is thick and stiff, shoulders rounded, neck forward. Did you ever see the TV show, Colombo, with Peter Falk? I look like that!
Failed. Couldn't get wrists to touch the ground even when when my back ribs were not anchored to the floor.I've had osteoarthritis in my thumb joints and fingers for years. Pain levels vary. Can't play tennis, golf,croquet, boules or other sports like these.. My husband greatly assists me by doing most household shopping and other household activities, all the cooking, kindly enabling me to concentrate on the painting and drawing I've been devoted to for almost 40 years!
Even so I now find painting increasingly difficult because of pain in both shoulders and both wrists.(Over the years, when my right shoulder has been painful, I've used my left arm).
I've just had 2 out of 4 sessions with a doctor and DNS practitioner who trained in Prague.In order to be able to continue experiencing the joys and fulfilment of energetic and experimental painting, I find DNS not only makes excellent sense but is surely achievable for someone motivated like I am now.
Thank you so much for your videos, drsteve. I find them clear, helpful, imaginative ,fun and very inspiring. Thank you also for the teaching and potential provided by these tests. tests
On to test #2!!
Could lie down on ok with back and head resting on floor. Left arm on floor also ok but right arm unable to keep on floor and move back towards the head. I could keep the right arm on floor at right angle to the shoulder in a straight line away from the body.
Almost passed. I could not quite get the wrists to touch the floor, although the hands were pretty flat to the floor. I could get the back flat on the floor but had to concentrate to do it. And when I tried to be sure the wrists touched the floor I really had to concentrate to keep the lower back flat. I do not have any specific pain issue but am 70 years old and want to minimize the old man's bent neck condition. In the past I have had both neck and lower back issues but now keep them under control with swimming plus some (not enough) stretching exercises.
After trying this,my left leg got tingling sensation and for second time nothing.
But I can’t understand that this is only test or exercise
How many times I want to do?
Thank u sir.
I passed this test…
I definitely failed. I’ve been trying to find relief from upper back & shoulder pain for over two years. I was laid off because I couldn’t do my job. I’ve been to several chiropractors, been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, and now golfers elbow. I refused surgery on hands because I can get some relief when I put shoulders back and turn arms out. The more I stress the worse it gets. All stress sits in shoulder blades and neck.
My hands go numb from elbows to fingertips, and it can get quite painful at night. Headaches, sinus problems& definitely chicken neck, rounding forward.
Chiropractor did exrays, reversed curve in neck. Unfortunately I can’t afford to keep going, being unemployed.
I saw your video, and it made a lot of sense.
The foam work will go a long way for you. The full training course would be worth a trial for you. You can check it out at
When I tried this I couldn’t comfortably put my arms or wrists flat against the floor and my ribs would flare up. When I would push my ribs back down on the floor my left arm and chest was especially tight.
I tried this. My back touches the floor and the right hand was quite comfortable. It has recovered on its own from a frozen shoulder. The left shoulder had discomfort and therefore the left wrist was off the floor by 2 inches,
.what does it mean?
Did well. Ribs to floor, tension in both shoulders, left wrist did not quite lie flat.
Lower ribs to the floor not a proplem, and my chin tucks in, but with a little tension in my neck. My right hand goes to the floor, but the wrist isn't quite flat. My left hand remains a few inches above the floor, and I have considerable pain in my left shoulder.
I passed all,but I felt tension on my left shoulder when I move my hands down to
I have difficulty about butterfly recovery in swimming.
My shoulder muscle is unbalanced.
Did the test twice. First time my left wrist remained slightly above the floor, but the fingers were touching the surface. There was a little tention in my chest muscles on that side. Second time, a couple of days after, the wrist contact with the floor was almost full.
Even though I have some tightness when I turn my head to the left and have experienced long bouts (18 months … until recently) of tightness from the base of my left scapula to base of neck on the left side and some tightness in the left pec minor area … I have no problem doing this test. I can also drag my arms down a fair way 6-8 inches without popping the ribs. The funny thing is that my tightness shows up in the scapula/neck on the left and hip flexor/glute/IT Band on the Right. Would the fact that I can pass this test indicate that the tightness on my left scap/neck is caused by my Right hip/IT? (BTW … I am following your instructions … it helps … I also plan to ask for a standing desk … sitting for 9 hours a day is a killer.)
Ugh….was able to keep my spine flat and my left arm and wrist were fine but have a partial tear in my right rotator cuff and could only get my right arm 3 inches above the floor. Funny…the pain was obviously in my shoulder/arm but I could definitely feel the limitation in my chest….as if I needed to stretch that muscle (right side)
I was able to do it without much problem but felt some pain between my shoulderblades
My back, ribs, and right arm plopped down easily, but I was surprised to discover my left wrist wouldn't go down without pushing it down, which created some pain in my shoulder and at the front where by arm joins the body. Interesting . . . I have some work to do! I just discovered your videos this morning, and have been watching one after the other. Thank you for this information!
My right shoulder may have rotator cuff tear or bursitis – it's been painful for last two months – doc gave me cortisone steroid pills for a week which took away pain but now pain is back since pills are gone. I also have pain in neck – was told years ago I have scoliosis in neck; also pain last 4-5 weeks in lower back and legs making it difficult to squat. I was able to do this excercise without problem though the right arm going back to the ground was slightly painful. I am 60 years old, 5' 7" 190 lbs.
Difficult to get arms and ribs to correct position.. will need to work on this. Also notice that a "wall" floor angle self test exists. This seemed more difficult than the floor position. I think I will stay with the floor .. and the help of gravity! 🙂
Passed all but my left wrist. In just 30 minutes of discovering your videos I feel better already. I suffer from neck pain, sleep depravation, and arthiritis in both hands. I also have a right knee replacement. One thing that has helped me the most is balancing on one leg. Thank you! I intend on following all your videos!
I could not put my left wrist on the floor comfortably. When I did get my wrist to the floor I felt a pull across the top-side of my armpit, my back ribs were in contact with the floor.
Passed the test, I have hip, butt and leg painb, hope to get rid of the pain
i can’t get my back flat without adjusting my bottom, which hurts on the floor, and cannot touch the floor with my hands and my shouders do not touch the floor either. my neck, back and legs have been going nuts since the other day when i jumped on the trampoline. uh oh. I’m 56, 164 lbs at 5’3″. Kimmi
I’m breathing from chest, barely any movement around ribs. :-((
Hi, no it was a fail for me. I could only get my forearms down by pulling my shoulder blades in and the back of my ribs went up.
I almost passed but experienced discomfort through entire region. Wrists not quite touching. Could I please replicate and transplant you?
Dr. Hoffman,
I want to thank you for your self tests and videos on youtube.
I probably made a B+ on the floor angel. I will apply the additional effort to be at the A+ level.
Your piriformis stretch for back pain and sciatica, the baby back move, the chaturanga pushup and 5 moves in 5 minutes have helped me tremendously. I have had pain in my lower back for a while. The piriformis stretch is the only exercise that I have done that eliminates the pain. I will say it again all of the exercises I mentioned have improved my life and I have only be doing them for a very short time. Thank you again for sharing your expertise and knowledge.
Failed, in a relaxed state my wrists were 6 or 7 inches off the ground. I could get them to within a couple of inches with good effort and still have my ribs flat but I could never get them to touch.
Hello Steve. Thank you so much for providing this information and self-test. I really appreciate it. I am 66 and have had severe chronic pain (fibromyalgia) for over 25 years. I passed the Floor Angel test quite well tho, so that makes me happy. I cannot get my neck to go flat on the floor, however, so my neck & shoulders need some help (always a trouble spot – several car accidents). I am enjoying your on-line clinics. Thanks again.
Right arm lifted ok but not flat to floor, there was a pulling sensation across top of chest. Left arm, very difficult, made me feel sick with the pain in the shoulder and down the arm.
I have been having severe pain in my left shoulder and losing mobility for over 6 months. I am in pain all the time. If I stretch my arm to a certain point, I have sharp and breath taking pain shooting from my shoulder to my elbow. I cannot move for a minute or so. My arm then tingles down to my hand and my hand starts to shake. The tingling comes and goes. I have tried several deep tissue massages (was told I am on the way to having a frozen shoulder) and my Dr. told me (without looking at my arm) to get physical therapy. I have not done the physical therapy yet. I want to solve this problem but also want to know what is wrong and how to keep it from happening again. I am very frustrated and tired of the pain and loss of use.
I could lay flat with right arm relax above my head. My left arm could get no closer to the floor than about 12″ (if not more).
What can I do to get this resolved?
I couldn’t do this with complete adherence to form. I could press my lower back to the floor while also making contact with my left wrist fairly easily, but my right wrist would not touch the floor unless I arched my lower back. Not too surprising, since a big reason I’m here is tightness in my riight shoulder & I could definitely feel a strain there.
Looking forward to the next test!
One wrist is not completely down.
I could not get my right shoulder down to the floor. No problems with getting back or left arm in the right position.Trip and fall and two plates in the right shoulder. Achy neck and shoulders daily. 71 1/2 years young.
Joint replacement in the left wrist. Born with psoriasis and had achy joints all through childhood. This did not keep me from sports or dancing or cheerleading. Diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and osteo@ 37 years. Joint degeneration in both hands with swollen knuckles and bent joints. Have been diagnosed with periformis problems and disc degenerative disease. Last bone density no osteoporosis but some bone loss. And told I shrank 1 1/2 inches. Usually try to go to chiropractor every two weeks. Sometimes in the summer I can go a whole month without it.
Hi Doc,
Well my ribs could touch the floor if improvised a little,
but my wrists would not lay flat.
Doc, What does that mean…??
Tension in neck and wrists and forearms off the floor – work to be done. Looking forward to trying fixes.
What type of work do you mean…??
no problem, a little “air” beneath wrists and floor, 1/8″.
I found you on the internet as I was experiencing discomfort in my left leg, with numbness now and again in the leg and occasionally twinge in my other hip. I go to exercise classes twice a week here in London (teacher watches
us very carefully!!) but have not been able to shake off lower backache and sometimes a little numbness. One
night I found you on You Tube, you are wonderful and have given me 3 good tips which I am following daily.
The upper crossed posture was fine and most of the exercises until I got to the balancing one (lifting up back leg
and bringing it forward,) that needs more time!!! The dull pain in my lower back seems to be slow to go and makes
balancing challenging.
A big shame that you are so far away.