BELOW: NEW “Shift / Lift” Self Test Picks Up Even The Most Subtle Cases Of Deep Core Amnesia
The ability to BREATHE correctly and the ability to “anchor” your body for efficient, strain free movement is crucial for protecting your joints from degeneration.
In addition, this core awareness will allow you to “recycle” gravity and use it for energy and spring instead of letting it drag you into a submissive, unattrative, forward drawn, downward spiral!
PLUS…keeping your spine and other joints “centrated” (meaning they are perfectly aligned with maximum congruence to be able to bear the most load) is also a “trick” for creating a sense of relaxation and calm in the central nervous system.
This calm is what I consider the ultimate goal…What I call “Peace Physiology” where your cells feel the bliss and go into “renewal” mode as opposed to “Stress Physiology” where your cells are in “breakdown” mode!!
So check yourself out with this breathing test and TAKE SPECIAL NOTE to do the “Baby Back” in SUPER DUPER SLOW MOTION, especially take notice what happens in your core before your foot even leaves the floor!
If you struggled with these tests you have been overloading your joints and creating unecessary stress in your central nervous system!
But no worries!
Your “Reverse CPS Now!” Fundamental Posture Transformation Exercises will get you back on the road to strain free, pain free posture and movement!
Breathing and core strength are not good. I used to do some pilates before the new knees and brachial plexus surgeries, but am extremely weak at the core now. Neck problems as well, atrophy of sternocleidomastoid on right side.
I tested pretty good. I only had a problem with my left wrist not quite touching the ground. Could be because I have had a frozen shoulder on the left side.
Absolutely could be the frozen shoulder. Foam or floor angels should help remodel the tissue and create more range.
I like to chest breathe. It feels good to expand the chest and let out big relaxation breaths but am willing to try about anything. I had a Yoga X (P90X) scheduled and focused on belly breathing the entire time. It made me really sore through the sides and lower rib cage. Nice. I'll try that again.
Diaphragmatic breathing is good when I am conscious of it, I'm not sure what I'm doing when not conscious of my breathing. My core does not touch the flat surface correctly. My hips tilt upward and my whole back touches the surface of the table that I am using (instead of the floor). Can raise knees without rotation, but can't keep both knees up and extend legs.
I have a right shoulder impingement that has not responded to physical therapy. When I did the floor angels, my right arm was barely able to make it to the floor, however, the muscles of my upper arm hurt terribly. The wrist was flat on the floor. The left arm was on the floor, but the wrist was an inch off.
I need to be more mindfull of breathing correctly. I did well on the test for keeping the core on the floor. Better than I thought I could.
Hi Judy, can you still maintain the back support zone connection when you lift both legs slowly off the floor at the same time? I will be changing this test to that method soon.
all three self test were really good–probably not 100% My problem is hyper mobility and left loose knee joint. I have been doing certain Exercises daily since I injured back last Sept—screaming lower left back pain and could only stand in L position 4 weeks of extreme pain and acupuncture ete and finally got sleep with Quantum touch then found your exercise on you tube and I also have many other toos for health so I use them. I have a posture imbalance since childhood and I am on the way to correcting it slowly but it can feel like I am going to almost dislocate my left knee with some sitting positios and sometimes Exercises. Daily not an issue but I have dislocated elbow, probably left knee and maybe sept screamming back pain was a dislocation of hip. I am a 74 organc herb and greens farmer/nursey grower and active daily with pretty good nutrition and really love most of my work. Dislocation or any rubbing bone joints is really scary for me.
lying flat on floor I can feel my right hip somewhat higher than left. I will continue Ecerises and exploring anything to improve posture. Can you help with loose knee joint. Thanx
I pass this test with slight pain on my right side with both legs extended. A compression fracture in on my L2, according to doctors 25 years ago.
I am in the care of Lance Ingwersen from Salmon River Chiropractic (SRC), here in Salmon Idaho. I do not know if SRC knows what you are teaching here.
When sleeping, what happens to breathing?
Breathing and core strength are good. I could extend my legs almost fully without rotating hips.
I have a degenerated rt hip . This exercise was very painful.
This one was okay – got some work to do to more the leg out a bit more. Breathing was good.
A little stressed breathing "habits", but core was ok!
Failed the breathing test but the baby back test seemed to be pretty good.
This test was easy for me. No twisting at all on either exercise. With the breathing exercise with hands on the waist, I felt the stomach going out but no movement at the back at all.
The breathing test went well, I am breathing all way around to my back.
The first Baby Back test went very well with no shifting or rotation upon moving my legs.
The second Baby Back test went well also. I was able to stretch both legs out individually past a 45 degree angle. After passing 45 degrees the ribs started to disengage from the floor. Based on how far the lady moved her legs in the video I did very good; however, I am not sure how far I was supposed to push out my legs for the test.
I was good until I lowered my right leg . That caused me to lift my back some and actually hurt my back near the spine about the level of my hip crest on the front side. That is what has been my chronic issue – why I seek knowledge and solutions.
Pleasantly surprised that I can do all of those too.
Just when I was thinking I was doing well….this was definitely not a pass. The moment I started to lift my leg, I felt I was twisting. Can't wait to correct these issues.
I did better than I expected, but these "baby back" exercises need work. My breathing is correct, even moving to the back, though comparing it with the video, I could practice getting it deeper.
Fail on both points, although I do know how to breathe from my diaphragm from singing years ago. I can breathe that way, now, with effort. Very painful to keep my back on the floor. I could do the leg movements, but with effort and pain to keep my rib cage down. Actually, the hardest part was just lying flat on the floor. Not getting on the floor, but once there lying flat. Very awkward for me. I am not surprised at all as i am in constant pain! ps – used a This End Up Library table for test #2. Worked well.
I failed the first test for sure!!
Whew, I'm pretty sure I passed!
Well….. i a chest breather for sure, but allready aware a bit more. I'm strugeling with an posteriour tilt, and on my way to just a (little bit) improvement, butt a longe way to go still.
What i found surprising was,…. when i set my pelvis more levell, i could feel the freathing much better with my thumbs (on my back).
Does that mean that an posterior tilt pelvis does block something, ore ……? Please tell me.,
Best regards, Ron
Rotation of hips with baby back. My working side lifts off the floor a little.
Breathing test did well
Proved that I am a chest breather, although I can force myself to use by abdominals. So I would say I failed the breathing test.
I passed the other tests, but will repeat them when my wife can observe and see if I really passed.
I passed both tests. Thank you.
I have doing a lot many exercises. Thanks to YouTube and other sites on the net. So in test I did quite well. Are my psoas tight or are my hips locked? I do not know. Tried AIS today. Hope that works.
Did very well. Probably need attention to leg extensions. Not attuned to feeling hip rotation well on that one.
In the breathing test, my abdomen expanded, but my chest lifted some, also. Maybe I'm part way there with correct breathing, but not all the way? I had no problems at all with the second, core stability, self test.
The breathing test…my abdomen expanded. Did very well with the core stabilization, no problems with either part, which surprised me because of my spine fusions (L1-S2)
I used to be a vocalist, so diaphram breathing is my norm. While do the core stabilization, my back was flat on the floor with both legs, but my right side was solidly into the floor, while not as solidly into the floor with my right side, and I could feel a slight inner switch when lefting the left leg.
My breathing was mostly from my chest instead of abdomen. On other test my back was flat to ground, leg went slightly outward but not bad.
Passed the breathing with flying colours, because I am a vocalist too. But the core excersise……..very painful. Flunked completely… 🙂 Going to have to work at that.
On the breath test, my diaphragm rises and I get a full round breath, but my chest also rises – after my diaphragm. Is that a healthy breath or a stressed breath?
my ribs can touch the floor only on deep breathing.lumbar region touches well.
Hi, I was breathing well in my core but my chest was also rising – is that a bad thing? The core test seemed okay.
Not bad. My breathing was more abdomin and even both front and back.
My core was ok as long as I focused on my hip stability.
My breathing was pretty even between chest and abdomen. I could do the floor stretches okay.
I could perform each of these test faiirly well. I was able to complete both leg/hip tests while keeping my thorasic area and both sides of the hips connected to the ground, thoiugh I did have an uncomfortably high level of pain in the muscles in the thoracic area (as if there were many “trigger points”). Being relaxed while I performed this test and familiar with healthy breathing, I breathed as recommended – though I suspect I do not do this so well when stressed, especially at work.
I can do this but not with good strength as I have L5S1 issues.
Hi , I did well with the breating , since I sarted practicing your exercices daily for the past 2 weeks , I noticed an improvement with my posture , improvement with my core stability and less pain on my neck and knee.Thank you so Much.Bouchra
My breathing was right on but I felt I had to strain to do it right.
I can breathe this way, but not sure if this is what I do habitually. Core good. I can keep contact with legs straight, although not easily.
passed all no problem, but in initial breathing test, some chest breathing. On second breathing with thumbs at waist, flying colors.
Needs work but I am working on it.
Breathing test went well. Pretty good on floor test but I feel that I need practice with it. Thanks again.
I knew both ways to breath before this video but I usually like to chest breath. I did well with the floor test. nothing went wrong but i noticed that my hip went upwards a tiny bit moving my left leg forward. I really need a more in depth tutorial on the anchoring.
Before the fundamental exercises I was not breathing properly nor bracing my core by bringing my shoulders down.
I was just holding my stomach in.
After my first time doing the dying bug and baby back, I saw improvement. With the angel wings my right arm would not touch the floor. Now it can touch after doing exercise three times, but it is still a strain.
Your program is the best I have ever seen. Real improvement is seen after each session. I have recommended your website to others.