Now Open: Free Private Coaching Session For 15 People



Hey, I've got a real quick announcement for you…

I'm doing a super quick re-opening of our "Organic Posture and Therapeutic Lifestyle Coaching Course" for 15 people who would like to take advantage of a one-on-one private coaching session with me for 30 minutes at no charge.

I'm offering this free coaching session for a few different reasons.

1. I need some help sharpening my skills on some new tools and technology I'll be using in my coaching program in the new year (webinar services, streaming video, etc.)

2.  To document some new case studies about the immediate pain relief and energy enhancing benefits that often occur with the Organic Posture Method.

3.  I've been getting a ton of emails and comments requesting individual help that I just can't do without spending some time to get to know the person.  This will provide that opportunity.

The price will be the lowest it will ever be for the full course and you'll get $150 worth of my time for free.

I will be opening the course back up in January but there will NOT be an opportunity for private coaching like this when we re-open.

There is a short qualification form so we can avoid wasting time and money if we're not right for each other.

I'll be taking applications until 6PM on MONDAY, DEC. 12 and I'll be sending out the link to the purchase page on TUESDAY, DEC. 13th at NOON!

This will all happen quick, and completing the form does not obligate you to anything, so if this interests you, complete the qualification survey now at:

Hope to talk with you soon! Thanks for taking the time to listen and learn! 

Dr. Steve

P.S.  Remember, you only have until 6PM on MONDAY, DEC. 12TH to get your application in!  So do it now!

P.S.S.  You will receive an email with more details about exactly what to expect with the private coaching when your qualification form is received.

P.S.  You can hear from current students and get a full video tour of the "Organic Posture Course" HERE.