With These Simple Moves Taken From The Comprehensive Core Wellness Institute Training Program, You Can…
- Reverse the damaging effects of stress induced muscle imbalances like cartilage wear and tear, joint degeneration, disc herniations, and other conditions usually associated with “unhealthy aging”
- Balance and align your joints so that your nervous system is flooded with the message of growth, renewal, and centered calm
- Remodel your posture so you can start using gravity for power and spring instead of it dragging you down!
- Eliminate the “energy leaks” that occur when your body is not being used efficiently. (this alone will create a surprising energy surge as you continue to put these moves into action!
And if you get benefit from this “Fundamentals” series,
you’ll be absolutely amazed at what you can
experience as a student inside the Core Wellness Institute!
Keep doing these fundamentals to start Releasing all that stress induced muscle tension and start Rewiring your brain and nervous system for an amazingly energetic and pain free life!
(And I’m sure you’ll want to know where to get one of the foam rolls we use in the “Foam Angel” and “T4 Mobilization” moves. You can check your local sporting goods or retail stores for a 36 x 6 inch round foam roll or just order one online HERE)
Please leave your comments about the video below! Thanks!
so i have upper and lower cross syndrome and ibeen doing the exercises for a few days now and its working very well! However my biggest issue is asymmetrical posture. My right side of my body is more active and is waaaaay more dominant than left half and ive been in a compensated posture for a while now. ( left aic/bc pattern if you have any knowledge of the PRI stuff). My question is since my right side (right core) is more active and easier and stronger to anchor down while doin these exercise, shouldnt i just keep training my left core as in a deadbug position, only flex and extend the left leg and contralateral arm ?? Is it that simple or what because i dont wanna keep exercising and end up hurting myself even more without knowing.
i also have the same problem as that guy. My right side is my dominant side and feels as if i got a hip shift . How do i address this
I have the same issue and would love to know the answer. Thanks have really been enjoying your videos.
OK I’m going to give this a try. Any suggestions with the fact that I am not able (in the baby back position) to raise my right leg to a 90 degree angle. I can get it to maybe 45 degrees and with lots of pain.
Fantastic. I really enjoyed those posture exercises. I have always felt frustrated that I was not getting to my core correctly and now with the knowledge of upper crossed syndrome I can work on it. I never would have thought that area would have been so connected with the leg raises etc! Thank you very much ☺.
I am so happy to have found your site!! Thanks so much for posting these exercises and tests..
I am able to do all but baby belly is very painful for me. I have an L5/S1 herniation and am improving but lying prone continues to be difficult and seems to exacerbate the sciatica in my right leg. My pelvis is still very stiff especially on the right side. Also when standing my right has a very obvious shift towards the right. My acupuncturist has told me my lower back muscles are so tight that it has created a suttle curvature ..
how often should you do these?…2 to 3x a day better then 1x a day?
Thank you.
Will definitely begin these exercises.
Looks like these exercises will really help with a person’s health.
Thank you for this exercise. I will do my best to do them everyday. It’s hard for me to go down on the floor n i need to get that roll. Hoping for a successful result.
Can’t do any of the exercises where the lower back is supposed to touch the floor. Also can’t do the lunges since I have a prolapsed bladder. No problems doing the T4 mobilization exercise.
Use a small rolled towel or pillow to bring the floor to you, Carrie. It’s important get feel the back support zone even if you have to prop your head up with a pillow as well.
Thank you for these exercises. I certainly love them. I can do most of them but I need to learn more about pushing off the anchor points. I have spent most of my life doing Tai Chi but have not spent enough time cross training. I can see how important this part of the training is to all my activities. Very shortly I will get rid of my weak lower back situation by strengthening my lower pelvis area. Just after this one video I am already really happy.
Excellent Marsha. The push away phenomenon is an art and has to a lot with subtle intention. We dive deeper inside CWI if it interests you. -drh
i have severe hip pain and cannot even come close to bringing my legs to my chest (I believe I have an impingement in both thighs). Will your Core Wellness program help me with this issue?
I am familiar with some of these learnt in my yoga class, however very excited to try the one with the foam roll, and hopefully can increase the strength in my core with these exercises. Thank you Dr H