As many of you may know, Core Wellness and the Louisville Area Raw Food Meetup Group hosted 100% raw food authors and celebrities for a 4 hour "Raw Food Transformation" talk this past Saturday.
We also hosted Matt and Angela in our home for 3 nights and got to be on their "The Raw Food World TV Show" 2 days in a row! I've posted the episodes below for your entertainment and education!
Only 1 or 2 of the 53 health seekers in attendance were close to 100% raw and most were there to investigate this philosophy as a way to reverse disease, lose weight, and reach a higher level of health consciousness.
And although I've thrown myself into learning as much as I can about the healing benefits of raw food and I had read Matt's "Raw Spirit" book, I still came away with some AWESOME take homes…
Here they are….
1. It's not about going 100% right off the bat…unless you are under life threatening circumstances you should do what you can do successfully, even if that is simply cutting out enriched flour products and refined sugar and adding in a green smoothies every day.
2. The biggest health improvements come from not what you ADD but what you ELIMINATE COMPLETELY! e.g. white flour products, sugar, and factory farm animal products.
3. Never get into a bath with a dog that has canine scabies!!!! (what a story that was!)
4. From Angela: Tip on transitioning – Make everything you eat that's sweet from this day forth RAW (fruit, honey, agave, chocolate, etc.)
5. From Angela: BE THE CHANGE and lead by your own actions without pushing your ideas on anyone who doesn't want to hear about it. When people ask you a question about raw food, answer only THAT question without going on a long diatribe where you overwhelm and therefore, totally lose them. Let them be their OWN change!
6. You CAN rejuvenate a "non functioning" or "underfunctioning" thyroid. Angela did it…(as well as losing over 150 lbs!) now thyroid numbers are normal WITHOUT medication.
PLUS…My observation of them while staying at home…They Work HARD…they stay focused on their mission.
It was an inspiration for me to more CLEARLY develop and communicate the Core Wellness mission, which which led to the new "Crossed Posture Syndrome" clickable picture on the right of this page.
You MUST become aware of this stress induced muscle imbalance and learn how to reverse it or pay the painful consequences sooner or later! My mission is to bring some much needed pain relief and inner calm to your body by making you aware of this damaging stress induced posture pattern and give you the fundamentals on how to correct it!
I'm so grateful that Matt contacted me to make this experience happen and look forward to learning and teaching more about the scientific reasons why raw food and a predominantly plant based conscious diet can transform cellular health and take your body back in time!
More raw resources are on the site HERE!
Dr. Steve