This "3 Pillars of Core Wellness" Mini Boot Camp audio (below) lays the foundation for the conscious and sustainable healthy lifestyle philosophy we teach at the Core Wellness Institute and sets the stage for lots more online learning to come on this site.
Normally this Mini Boot Camp cost $47 to attend but as a welcome gift to the NEW Core Wellness Institute, you're going to receive the audio with 2 solid hours of immediately usable strategies to help you get back on track or stay on track with the new paradigm of true health care…FOR FREE
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:56:26 — 159.9MB)
So enjoy the video tour of our new location and let me know what you think about your "3 Pillars" mini boot camp audio welcome gift and anything else that's on your mind in the comments below!
Welcome back Dr. Steve!
I was thinking about you on Wednesday and wondering when we would see another one of your videos.
Thanks for the tour.
Glad to see you are back 🙂
Thanks for the welcome, Beth! Online publishing got a back seat during our move and repositioning. Lots more to come!
Congratulations on the Institute’s new space, Dr.Steve and Rebecca.
This is to say thank you for all the info and inspiration we get from you. Your videos are so wonderfully clear to follow, so knowledgeable, and your enthusiasm is great. I enjoy doing the reverse cps moves every day (favorites are the foam-roller angels and push-away lunges) and my husband and I have both been picking up on your terrific videos on healthy posture and healthy movement. Incredibly energizing. I notice such a difference in freedom of movement. THANK YOU.
Not always into health-food, but, since your work is changing my life, I listened to the whole podcast and I sort of compromised: I got some frozen veggies, broccoli, kale etc., and each day I thaw a cupful or so overnight and leave it on the counter, and munch on it between meals. I’m sure it’s not as good as growing it fresh but it works! Gotta order some seeds to plant greens in the garden. If you get time I wish you’d do a video on good body-use when gardening, esp.weeding! That and a video on driving are my wish-list.
Thank you for all your wonderful help and enthusiasm.
Hey Cynthia! I just posted a clip on HYDWYDWYDI that has some info on gardening posture. search for the acronym and you should get to it!
Just keep working more GREEN into your diet and you’ll be better off for it! -drsteve
Thankyou for sharing this. Very useful! Glad you’ve put together such a holistic healing philosophy. 🙂 I notice that the last part of the lecture is missing – 1h 30m instead of 2h. Is this an oversight or is it coming soon? Also I hope the videos will be coming soon so please let me know. The new place looks lovely. Best of success there because you are needed in the world!!
I rechecked the link and just listened to the complete audio. Did you listen on the player in the post or dowload it to an mp3 player?