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This position was fine for me – a mild stretch, not floppy, dangle was straight down – but I still think I have lower crossed posture syndrome. Maybe I should quit complaining. Clearly it can be much worse!
Not bad at all for me , very light stretch with straight down dangle. What I have notice working the program is that my hips are weak and my compression of my core doesn’t seam to work right but getting better also my left foot has not felt like it has a foundation for a long time. Is this what you call dead foot ? I am working the short exercises to correct it..
My dangle was not at 90 degrees. To put it at 90 degree angle caused a very sharp pain.
My leg dangled at about 120 degree angle. I have 3 degenerated discs in lumbar starting at L5S1 to L3.
My leg did not dangle at 90 degree angle. And it was quite challenging to keep back flat to table without rotating spine.
Thank you for these test, they have been helpful to me. I am fortunately able to do both test one and two since I do teach Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Somatics. This is not to say I don’t need other types of cross training, I do. I think we all have problem area to work on. I recently found out I have one leg longer than the other more than the normal small amount. This has caused problems in the tendons of the feet. Who would have thought.
I am working on this at the moment.
Thanks for all your work.
Omg I didn’t realise how much of a gap to the floor I had I have a lot of work to do
My right knee remains above my hip level. Feels like there is a physical block but not painful. My leg will just not lower
Fine on right side and left…. but left side causes pain due to declining arthritis in left hip
No problems.
I’m tight both sides….guessing about two inches from resting on flat surface
Couldn’t get my leg to dangle at the 90 degree angle. It was closer to 105 degrees and my thigh was slightly above.
My left leg would only dangle to about 110 degrees from the hip. The lower part of my left leg was less than 50 degrees. My right leg was ok. I didn’t have pain so much in my left leg but my phosas was uncomfortable on the left side.
from knee to hip leg is tight
My thigh was elevated about an inch, my back arched. I am 79 years young until 2 years ago when I had a fall and Fx L2 plus a painful QL injury along with surgery for CPS. I have been a mess since though I still down hill ski and my posture has declined.
Leg was not 90 degrees. I have some sort of injury in my right hip but yoga keeps it in check.
Difficult to say. I don’t yet have good awareness of core to table, so it’s difficult to feel shifts. I probably stopped before I had to. (Add to that, the babyback position is uncomfortable). Anyway both knees were about 3 inches off table. The dangle would have been almost 90 degrees if the upper leg were lying flat..
Thigh dipped some, but dangle doesn’t dangle much at all.
Was ok
A bit tight but feeling much better since doing the exercise. My challenge is trying to cross my legs over each other. It causes extreme pain in the groin and hip. I’d like some exercises to help that.
Need to find a sturdy table before I can do this test!
Well, my leg was pretty well straight out, but the knee wasn’t fully bent. I was quite surprised I did that well. I am 80 and I have a lot of pain, no real diagnosis. Overall I am very fit but the pain is a problem.
Surprisingly my legs appeared to be in the correct position and the knee at almost 90 degree angle. I was expecting the opposite result as my legs/knees will not touch the floor when I’m in a sitting position, very painful.