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I did the Thomas test today … here are my results.
Left leg angles down about 10-15 degrees. The lower left leg drops about 30 degrees
Right leg angles down slightly. The lower right leg drops more about 45 degrees. The right side is where I have more pain at my hip crease … though I feel something at both hip creases. I also feel a sensation that runs down my right IT band and the front of my right thigh and there's a similar sensation in a small section above my left knee. I believe what I'm feeling could be due to a pinched nerve. I've been doing the stretches you suggested regularly BUT feel that since starting a job in June (was laid off for 6 months), sitting at a computer or driving for about 9 hours at a desk and 2 hours in the car is taking it's toll. I'd love some suggestions. Do you have a call in coming up this week?
Yes I do Lisa, tomorrow night at six. Go to the coaching site and over the coaching program tab and you'll see all of the information for open office hours in the drop-down tab.
thighs ‘just’ touch the table, lower legs are between 65-70 degree angle. Kimmi
Hi, thigh is on table and lower leg is about 60 degrees. I do have a weak point in my lower back which can cause a lot off pain. Normally, I can feel it tiring and so know to stop whatever it is I am doing but when it does ‘go’ I have stretched it in some way and then twisted my back at a later time.
Okay, that didn’t feel so good. Most significant problem was on right side. Leg didn’t touch table and hip was rotating internally and knee was hurting.
I did ok. My knee was able to drop below the level of the table and at my knee my lower leg was almost straight down. I am supprised this did not cause me extreem pain ( or any pain ) because I have some bulging lumbar disk issues along with extreem sciatica pain to my hip and leg.
I did ok. My knee was able to drop below the level of the table and at my knee my lower leg was almost straight down. I am supprised this did not cause me extreem pain ( or any pain ) because I have some bulging lumbar disk issues along with extreem sciatica pain to my hip and leg.
My back was flat, left leg was good. Right leg laid flat but the lower leg didn’t lay always the down.
I did much better at this test than at test # 1. The surface I have available to test on is not quite high enough to let me lower my legs to the maximum position without my foot touching the floor, but I was able to reach the floor while feeling I could have gone a bit further had the physical setup allowed.
I’ve been training with Dr Eric Goodman in Santa Barbara. His Foundation Training is spetacular. Any comments on Eric’s work?
Hi Doc…I FAILED, again. I had a hard time keeping my back flat on the table-Bth thighs were in the air and my lower legs were about 25 degrees.
Right leg stays practically horizontal. Hip angle looks like 180 but knee is also straight. Left leg, hip angle is similar and knee bent slightly. Hamstrings off the table by a few inches. More work to do. Definitely have low back issues. Herniated L5 S1 4 years ago. Some mobility much better now. I can flat foot squat butt to deck, but can’t sit for any length of time. Upper Cross Test failed as well.
actually pretty close to Rebecca’s.
My right leg is practically horizontal. My back is flat on the table. my left leg though can go past the horizontal line stretching lower than my right leg. There is no real pain and my knee is able to hang down in a 90 degree
my back was straight but my leg was off the table 5-6 inches with the dangle almost straight but could make it straight with focused effort.
my major problem is degenerative joint dx in my knees, with pain in my hands with numbness & tingling, some pain in my lower back ,neck and shoulders at times.
Both thighs were touching but not really resting on the table. My dangle angle was about like Rebecca’s in the video.
Probably my least epic failure. Neck uncomfortable in this position – hard to keep neck flat. Thighs did not reach table – about an inch of airspace and lower leg was at about 45 degrees, but it felt good to have my daughter push on the lower leg to privide a stretch to thighs
The push away lunge in the fundamental series will help with this also. Sounds like upper back mobility and re-awakeing your deep neck flexor muscles could be key links for you.
Thank you Dr Steve,
What would I do for awakening deep neck flexors? I also get a crazy charlie horse (cramp) in both ends of the digastric muscle on the left side if I exercise too much or get cold or even talk too much. .I have a lot of dental issues which I am working on.
Hey Debbie, you’ll likely need some help with jaw muscle balance as well. Since you enrolled in the Core Wellness Institute course, post this under the “Direct Access Coaching” and I will help you more specifically, OK? Talk soon! -drh
Hi Steve,
I was about as flexible as your model (probably from years of dance and yoga) even though I have had 2 spinal surgeries, the last one a fusion at L-4 L-5. I did experience some discomfort in that area as well as in my neck, where I also have been diagnosed with a herniated disk at C-4.
Hi Victoria…it would be good to find a DC or PT who knows McKenzie therapy to help with disc issues. But overall core stability and reversing cps and deep core amnesia will build your buffer against more overload and degeneration.
Thompson test – I did on table with a yoga mat because my sacrum goes numb when I lay on my back (has since I had an MRI done a year ago). Both legs went flat on table and lower legs were 90 degrees plus, I could pull my foot back past the 90 degrees.
I slid off the back of a toboggan when I was 18, am now 69, cracked my tailbone and couldn’t walk for 5 days, have had sciatic problems all my life. the left piriformis muscle is tight and hurts down the back of my leg, behind my knee, outside of my lower leg above the angle along the side of my foot to my fourth toe which always feels like it is broken. I have also had plantar faciiatis in both feet and often get cramps in my left calf.
Since the MRI I have not been able to sleep on my back because my butt and sometimes my legs, if I don’t move, goes numb. I can’t sleep on my left side because the piriformis hurts. Sitting is the worst and a lot of what I have to do requires sitting and one can only stand or walk a certain amount…I get tired and need to rest and lying around isn’t good for the back either.
I’ve had massage but have run out of money, been to chiropractors and have exercises that I do morning & night and I walk 40 – 60 minutes almost every day.
It is much better than it was a year ago, I could hardly move.
Hope you can help.
Do what you can do with the fundamentals series, Carolyn. If you need some more personal help consider the comprehensive training course. Info on that at
As better body awareness and function is regained, it’s very possible to experience less pain.
Not able to get into test position, just x-rayed last Tuesday, advanced OA bilaterally, flat femur heads and multiple cyst, most likely influenced by labrum tears and bilateral chronic inguinal hernia mesh pain (I’ll skip the description of the pain) left hip is painful after 60 degrees of flexion, right hip painful with extension past midline, theoretically I could walk in endless counter clockwise circles and it wouldn’t hurt except my hips do not rotate, Orthopedic surgeon says both need replaced and I can’t argue after looking at the x-rays but concerned I will still be limited in motion from the mesh pain even if the replacement joints move more freely. Any thoughts on this.
Yes, problems there too getting the (L) thigh to lie flat was harder than the (R) leg- both stiff. On a positive note though, I never realised how useful this kitchen table could be.
Doing rather good on this test. But I have been stretching every day…
My problem is a very weak core. I do a lot of my computer work standing up because sitting is a torture. But when I stand up, I have a tendency to arch because my core and abs are not holding my spine straight.
Right leg horizontal, knee almost 90 degrees. Left leg a little lower.l knee same.
I was OK although my knees did not bend fully 90 degrees..
Now when I’m running (in the forest up and down hills)
I think about keeping my pelvic floor tucked IN and breathing
more with my daiphragm ON. This actually gives me a great feeling
of effortless movement..
Am I ON to something here ?
YES you are ON! Nothing has to be perfect.
That “connection to the pubic bone” and “back support zone” can create a totally free anti gravity feeling
I was able to do this pretty successfully. I have been doing a yoga video for lower back pain. My flexibility is better but still have pain on the outside of hips.
Able to do but right hip/knee turning inward. History of foot drop now very mild. Lots of rehab done. I think residual issues from L5 radiculopathy causing weak hip, etc. Ideas? Signed up for course.
I’m sure you have developed some muscle imbalance with a history of radiculopathy, etc., Sheila.
Sounds like you’ve got some overactive hip external rotators if your knee is out to the side with this.
Since you’re enrolled in the full course now, we can follow up in there and talk in person during office hours.
Talk soon!
knee turns outward, not inward.
strangely, my lower back, legs and pelvis are my main problem; but I have no problems with this
Hi, thigh and lower back flat to the table and the knee very close to the 90 degrees
This one was easy for me. I have a lot of flexibility. It was easy to drop my leg down and my lower leg was straight down too.
But I have burning nerve pain in my skin and soft tissue of my lower back/upper butt. I do lots of stretching….the kinds of things for tail bone pain and sciatica, even though I don’t have sciatica. But the burning never goes away.
I’m using a SacroEase seat, which feels great, but the burning goes on and on…..
This test was surprisingly easier for me than the first. I found that both upper legs lay flat on the table but lower legs both sat out at about 30 degrees from vertical. I had been working on all my upper back and neck, lower back hip and leg issues with static and movement based stretches and release work and getting massage therapy, all pretty painful to do but seems to reduce the pain temporarily. I have completely overhauled my diet to a higher protein plant based ( in the main) regime. Getting this partial relief I am a great deal more mobile than in the last 10 years of chronic 24/7 pain and I am much more aware of my body and how it functions. Any tips on the next step to wellness.
Failed pretty badly. 1st it’s painful to put my head on the table. My ribs rose as I lowered one leg. I could flatten my ribs but this brought my knee up. I did find however, that I could wait it out and allow things to stretch (but not to a passing grade). This must be the cause or my lower back pain. What approach from here?
Just as I suspected, this was difficult for me. I am unable to raise my right knee up to my chest, very stiff here. As well my right leg is externally rotated. All right leg is painful trying to do this although I was surprised that I could lower my right leg down without problems or increased pain. I had little problem with my left leg both raising it to my chest and lowering it down. Unable to find a table I used the landing on the stairway so probably not ideal but it did give me and idea of where I am at. Look forward to some corrective measures.
My right leg performed as indicated in the video. My orthopedist has told me about 50% of cartilage on right hip is gone. I also have bone cysts in that area. Left leg was raised maybe an inch and took more effort to keep my back flat. Felt some tightness in left thigh.
Had no problem with this
I failed on both legs. Neither leg touched the table and the dangle was 30 on the right and 35 on the left.
Hello Dr Hoffman,
Just did the second test for Lower crossed syndrome. I found out that i could lower one leg but it was a bit higher than the table and i could feel stiffness in my thighs.
This test was somewhat painful. Lower back, core and leg feels strain. Right leg angles were not as good as the left. I was not able to keep back completely flat.
That’s pretty diagnostic for CPS John. Work the fundamentals here on the blog and if you want to go deeper consider the CWI course at
I used a weight bench: Both thighs were touching the bench, but not solidly resting there. The angle through the knees was not a dangle. I had good contact thru the lower back.
I used my kitchen table with a thin pad for cushioning. I really couldn’t see what the angles were but I could not get either thigh horizontal, although the right leg was close. It seemed like the lower legs dangled a bit, but again I couldn’t really see.
Even though my job has me sitting ALL the time, I did pretty well on this one, I guess. My sciatica in my left leg hurt mildly when I got up. I was exerting energy to keep the back down and leg extended. Knee was not 90 degrees but probably pretty close.
Failed the test, but not surprised since I just finished 10 sessions of therapy and had the same results there. Neither leg touched the table and leg barely bent at the knee. Recent lower back x-rays show “marked degenerative narrowing of the L5-S1 disc space with mild subcortical sclerosis of the adjacent vertebral endplates. Also facet arthropathy at this level as well resulting in 6 mm anterolisthesis of L5 relative to S1.”
Hi Dr Steve,
I did the test and both right & left legs, were at 90 degrees, not a problem there.
But when I do foam angles I can only get my arms to shoulder level before pain and tightness kicks in, across my chest, arms will not pass this point.
The lowering of the left leg was virtually 100% with the right amount of “angle dangle”, but I did feel a lot of tension in the top of my front left thigh. With the lowering of my right leg I couldn’t touch the table with the back of my right leg, whilst my back was also not flat to the table.
Left leg tighter than right leg. Back hurts to be in that position.
This is a test that is hard for me to perform. I cant even pull my legs up to my chest to even try to do this test.
I have tightness as well as pain when i pull my legs up. I cant cross my legs when siting down. I can’t pull myself up from sitting down unless i hold on something to help pull me up. my muscles seems out of shape, strength and proper coordination. I can’t even walk far like i use to lately. The move i move the more my pain is n tightness is and limited motion is? Do you think i need total hip replacement like one doctor told me. I will see my primary doctor tomorrow n i will request a second opinion, They say i have osteoarthritis and sciatica. My MRI shows stenosis of lumbar 4-5 I hope your videos can help me because i refuse to have hip replacement if i don’t really need it.
Thanks again
I had no problem with this test.
Hi Dr. Steve,
I was not bad on the floor angel. Left wrist approx. 11/4 inches off floor.
Test #2 was not good. Right leg only bent around 30 to 35 degrees. Left leg a bit better.
I had a lot of trouble trying the test. My spine hurts just trying to lie flat.
I have been diagnosed with a large right paracentral disc protrusion at L5S1 and a broad based posterior disc prominence at L4L5. The L2 and L3 not in that great shape either. Most if my pain is in the right upper leg.
What I am not sure of is if I should be attempting any of the fundamental exercises. I am afraid of doing more damage because to date I have been given some wrong exercises and advice from a variety of professionals like chiropractors and physio therapists. I need help but so far am just on Mckenzie exercises now.
Thanks, Pam.
I could do it. But again my back wanted to arch up and funnily enough I had a sharp pain on the right side of my right knee as it dangled.
My back isn’t flat up against the table…a little arched. My leg is at about the same angle as Rebecca’s.