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Dr Steve, can you comment on Dr Saron's books specifically "healing back pain?"
Dr. Sarno’s books have helped LOTS of people who used mind/body strategies to release anger and other suppressed emotions that affect pain processing in the brain. It’s CRITICAL to address emotional issues, especially when the pain is chronic and exists alonside with other chronic problems as well.
However, his writings do not reflect current brain science and totally ignore the obvious mechanical and nutritional / toxicity issues that ramp up nociception (potentially damaging input) to the brain to interpret.
I found a couple of more indepth articles that do a great job and posted them below.
I had a sheet of plywood I laid across my bed for a firm surface. The only issue I seem to have isnot enough "dangle" of the lower leg.
No problem with this one. The test exercise feels great as a stretch!
I have some low back and SI joint issues so I was surprised that I did as well as I did – probably a 5-degree rise in upper leg. It's not clear what the next step is if one fails a test. Simply go to the video that includes all exercises?
I didn't have a problem with this stretch test..
I didn’t have a problem with this test
Hard to tell, as I live alone and can't see the angles clearly. But I suspect that my back could be flatter when my leg is released; and I can tell that there's far from a 90-degree 'dangle-angle' from my knee-joint.
What now?
could not get back flat without raising head, upper leg horizontal, lower leg about 10 degrees off vertical
lower legs at approx 75 degrees angle and can feel a real pull on my knee joints both sides doing this. Also lumbar spine wants to arch up unless I consciously push it down.
I didn't have a problem with this test
Have both knee replaceent. Hips and knees were very tight.
This test worked out well for the leg that dangled for bith sides. I can tell if i held that position, either sude, my core would hurt.must be a sign of my core meeding some work.
Test #2 Not even close. Can only get knees about halfway to chest . Back of left thigh can touch the table with knee angle of about 120. Right back of thigh doesn't touch the table, knee raised and maybe 130 degree angle. I have disk herniation, L4-L5, with bouts of sciatica on the left side, rounded upper back, with upper thoracic hump and significant forward neck/head posture.
slight arch in back with both legs left leg is worse
Did ok but both knees are not bent at 90 degrees.
Pretty good here, knee down could be a little straighter. I have not had a desk job for long periods of sitting.
Room for improvement here. So what do I do to improve it?
The push away lunge is in the free fundamentals series found in the free series dashboard you received in your email after you subscribed. Have fun!
I have to do this alone. I think I passed this test, although I could not see if my knee was at a right angle. The top part of my leg was down as you sho.
Soon I will have a partner to help. Thank you.
We both were okay on this test
Passed Self Test #2, no problem
I had no flat hard surface so I used an ironing board on the bed. Have been having pain in my left hip, so could not get the proper leg angle on this exercise without experiencing discomfort.
Problem with right leg when bending it up .
I can't get my leg down to the table on this one. Tightness experienced.
Very tight upper thigh on this one – I didn't pass.
I did this on a very low table, so it could no t register my knee angle, but I could sense a tight feeling tough. My legs was in tuch of the table but I felt some tightness.
Failed this one. I could tell even without someone watching from the side. Need some work on this…and I do tend to have some low back pain and hip pain.
Thigh hung down OK but dangle angle wasn't good.
I flunked this test too. My left leg could only get to about 10 inches from the table, the right was a bit better, maybe 6 inches.
Lots of room for improvement!
I was able to keep my back connected to the floor and bring both legs down to 0 degree position.
The problem I have on both legs is with the dangle. Both legs had a 45 degree dangle. If I tried to bring the leg down any farther there was a lot of tension across the top of the thigh, through the pelvis and waist and up to under my ribs.
Not sure which muscles in the waist, pelvis and abdominal area are tight. However this is probably why my lower back is hurting on both sides.
All good. The stretch actually feels good.
Definitely tight in the quads. With my back flat … my legs were more than 90 degrees … the right side was higher than the left AND I have greater than a 90 degree angle between my quad and calf…. by 10-15 degrees.
Lower Body Self Test: Did pretty good on this test. Upper leg touching table with lower back in proper position. A little tightness. Knee drop was between 45 and 90 degrees…maybe 60-65 degrees. Beyond that a lot of pull in the upper thigh.
Ok with this one although felt very tight on both sides.
No problem
With my back flat, my thigh sits at about 10 degrees, but my lower leg sits at around -45 degree angle. Seems worse with right leg
Eventhough I have a tight left soas, both legs were horizontal and lower leg at 90 degrees.
My table wasn't quite tall enough, so my foot hit the floor before my knee could get to 90 deg. But otherwise I passed on both legs.
Probably, the same as test one; fail by a little and very tight muscles.
Yipee! I passed.
Hi dr Steve,
My upper legs are okay.
But my bangle angle (haha), is a bit short, id say about 25 to 30 degr, short.
Mmmmmmh ;-(
Very tight upper thigh. With my one leg pulled to my chest, I can force the other leg down if I focus on it but it really pulls on the upper thigh.
Dangle angle about 15 degrees from straight down
hamstrings have been injured many times btw
Second test completed well
Another almost pass. Upper leg did OK. Lower leg position needs work.
I completed the test successfully.
Passed this test.
My problem is major. The knee does not come even 20 deg on the left leg and 10 deg on the right side so the whole test flops for me. I have some very tight muscles due to which I can stAnd/sit/walk for not more than 1-2 minutes. Pl help. Tried chiropracty, somatics, yoga screwed it up even more.
Do not have appropriate surface. Will have to try later.
Really failed this one. The only time I could keep my spine flat was at the beginning when I was holding my knees. I have fusion of my L1 to S2 and recovery has really left me with no flexibility (I just didn't realize how limited). What exercises do you suggest to help?
This was a fail. Oh my! I did this on my piano bench, and my back was flat, but I couldn't get either thigh to touch the bench. The left leg was worse than the right leg. My lower legs were about 70 to 80 degrees-ish.
Seemed ok – my left leg wasn't completely straight, slightly angled.
Note: I came for this blog because nothing coluld help me to lose the back pain except NSAIDs!!!
My MRI is almost ok but I can say that I have bad posture
My tall is 187 cm and weight of 66 Kg (Skinny) !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have terrible result,,,,
the leg that I holded with the hand can not have less than 45 degree angle with the body !!!
and the other leg kept going up by itself (tension)