The Crucial Step To Successful Change Most People Miss

Why do you rubber band back into damaging health patterns even when you have the best intentions??

The magic step of "Preparation" is likely the 
missing ingredient in your recipe for healthy change.

You must prepare your mind and spirit.  You must prepare by creating positive pressure with public committments and accountability groups.  And you must prepare by researching the type of program you're getting into.

In this video (shot with poor light at nightfall, please excuse 😉  I talk about the art of preparation and what I believe to be the most powerful tool to overcome any addiction.

Enjoy!  Write me YOUR personal change affirmation and leave it in the comments!



  1. Great video!

    I am so greatfull that I am taking care of myself in a manner that I deserve.
    I am so greatfull that I am a relaxed and flexible person.
    I am so greatfull that I am physically and financially able to go to Yoga classes.

  2. Thanks for a great video, Dr Steve!
    I am in the Contemplation Phase, so the Six Stages are just what I needed to hear.
    I am very grateful to be 100% vegan, 85-90% raw.
    I am grateful for engaging fully in our Lou Raw Meetup in 2010.
    I am grateful for my morning practice of yoga, pranayama and silence.
    I am grateful for calmness & clarity as my life is changing in many ways.

  3. Thanks Beth and Donna for your affirmations. Something magic happens when you commit them to paper or a computer screen! Here’s a few of mine…

    I am so grateful for the ability to speak from my heart and connect with people through genuine emotion.

    I am so grateful for the calm in my mind and the peace in my heart.

    I am so grateful for my far reaching website that helps thousands of people every day live a more active, fulfilling, and FUN life.

  4. Thanks Dr Steve, I really want to improve my health and wellness and decrease my stress which I have had alot of lately. I have really been enjoying all you Emails . I had a spinal fusion almost 2 years ago due to deg. arthritis and deg. Disc. I know my posture is not good and I also have found out from a Physical therapist my paraformis muscle is very tight casuing N/T down my legs so I have been trying to do stretches which has helped. I am probably 30 lbs over wt which is not helping my back. My new year goal is to lose the weight and become healthier. Thank you for your tapes… They have been beneficial in helping me in reaching my goals. Linda

    • Stick with it, Linda! Glad I could help you on your journey! You can always improve your function! Stay tuned in…there’s lots more to come and new developments on the way in 2010 for the website!

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