The Only Constant Is CHANGE!
After 5 AWESOME years on Spring Street in downtown Jeffersonville, IN, Rebecca and I have decided it's time to move on and embrace the change we've been contemplating over the past year.
Now that we are moving away from our original intent of creating a "Curves-like" exercise circuit facility and are full speed ahead creating multi-media home training and study courses, we are headed to the Nolan Centre at 131 E. Court Ave. in Jeffersonville just 3 blocks away!
The new space allows us to let go of some of the wide open wasted space and create much more functional studio space for creating new content and will serve as home base for our new online educational adventures with the upcoming!
Join Rebecca and I in this bittersweet episode of Core Wellness TV as we say goodbye to Core Wellness on Spring Street and hello to Core Wellness Institute, LLC!
And in case you're wondering, YES, I will continue doing chiropractic rehabilitation sessions and nutritional medicine consults at the Institute!!
P.S. If you're local and would like to leave a comment about any experiences or health breakthroughs you've had at the Spring Street location, please do! I've been honored to be a partner in some miraculous transformations in this space and would love to hear your side of the story!
Bravo! Definitely sorry to see the old place go, but EXCITED about the new Core Wellness Institute! Having seen the inside first-hand, I can tell you that this place is BEAUTIFUL and functional!
Awesome transition for you guys! Congratulations Steve and Rebecca on opening this new chapter in your lives!
Thanks, Devin. It’s ALL about function, after all!
Congratulations Dr. Steve & Rebecca. You have selected a phenomenal location for your Institute. Your location reminds me of the turn of the 20th Century when the last generation took their health & wellness very seriously. During that day and age they understood the connection between mind and body and how fluid motion was essential for a healthy well-being. The citizens of Jeffersonville and the entire metro area will thrive and enjoy the gorgeous setting nature has preserved. The both of you educating individuals how to enjoy and enrich their kinetic motion is a blessing for residents of the area.
No doubt your move to the new location is a breath of fresh air for your clientele and for yourselves.
Evolution is amazing… Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us and I look forward to visiting the both of you at the Institute and then relaxing with a book by the Gazebo.
All the best..
John Bottorff
Yes, John…it’s back to EDUCATION not Medication!
Great transitional video…the Nolan Center is just the place for you both to continue your wonderful practice of educating and bringing your patients back to good health…we love that hands on approach to better health…Dan and Sharon Hoffman
None of it would be possible if it were not for you two!
Yes ….. auspicious change is in the air! Watching your journey over the years and being a part of your life vision, Steve and Rebecca, has been a wonderful transformation for me and my family. Your positive energy and passion for living a healthy lifestyle while sharing that knowledge with the people who are fortunate enough to know you is ….. profound.
May you enjoy good fortune, peace, harmony and much happiness in your new location at Core Wellness Institute!
Yours always in friendship and love,
Sandy Smiley
Thanks so much, Sandy. We love you, too!
Congratulations to you both as you move forward in your healing ministry. I feel privileged to have been part of the “old” and transitioning into the “new”. That really describes how I feel personally….leaving behind old habits of mind and body as I develop new ones – feeling better every single day. My thanks to you both.
Lynn Kissel
Thanks Lynn! Keep “releasing and rewiring”!!
I am so happy for you both. You closed one door and another has opened. So many Blessings so much Good.
I’m excited to see the new place. Good luck!!
Steve and Rebecca: Your place is great. It was so good to see you on Monday and get to experience the awesome spirit of your new place!
I have been following your core wellness programme from Scotland and just wanted to wish you well in your new surroundings. If only I could get there. Not much chance with a volcano blowing ash our way!! Am enjoying doing your exercises and feel so much better and fitter. Looking forward to the next email from your new premises.