"With this knowledge the whole world could benefit and be a happier and healthier place!" -Charity Miller Smarandoiu, Holistic Health and Massage Therapist, Greenville, IN
For YOU…The Conscious Health Care Consumer Who's DONE Dealing With The "Pill For Every Ill, Hope Stealing" and Miserably Failing Health Care System.
For YOU…Who Understands The VALUE OF KNOWLEDGE and is READY TO LEARN What YOU Need To Do To Live The Pain Free, Energetic, And Fulfilling Life You Deserve
JOIN A COMMUNITY Of LIKE MINDED PEOPLE Who Want To BREAK FREE From The Frustrating Loop of Stress, Pain, Fatigue, Weight Gain, and Unhealthy Aging
Now You Can Join The Hundreds Of Area Residents Who Have Used These Secrets Of The Clinically Tested and Proven Core Wellness Method To Eliminate Your Pain And Turn Back The Clock On Your Biological Age By Getting " Back On Track" With…
The Way You THINK,
The Way You EAT,
And The Way You MOVE"
Next Mini Boot Camp TBA
You Will Have The Opportunity To Learn The 3 Core Secrets To The Success Of The Core WellnessTherapeutic Lifestyle Change Program (Featuring The Eastern European Inspired MYOBALANCEtm Posture Transformation Method) With Practical Tools and Solid Strategies You Can Put Into Place Immediately To Kickstart Your Transition To A New Lifestyle Of Health and Wellness At The…
"Think Right, Eat Right, Move Right"
Core Wellness Mini Boot Camp
Core Wellness Mini Boot Camp
"The 3 Pillars" To Pain Relief, Peak Performance, And Healthy Aging
At Core Wellness, 246 Spring Street, Jeffersonville, IN
"I'd received several emails about healthy living events from Core Wellness but this one was the right program at exactly the right time. After spending most of my adult life taking care of other people, both personally and professionally, it was time for me to learn how to take care of myself.
This particular program has inspired me because it brings the three major components of a healthy lifestyle together in a way that I can understand without being overwhelmed. Plus it just makes good sense.
I feel that this program is something I can incorporate into my life and with the guidance and direction I receive, I'll be able to not only make the necessary changes but also follow through with them. I'm going to live a long, long time and I'd rather spend it dancing and laughing than dragging around wondering if I was going to be able to make it across the room. Life is a gift, and by taking good care of myself I'll be honoring the gift I've been given." -Jeffersonville Attendee
"An excellent summary on the key aspects of healthy living…A unique perspective on how to age gracefully." – Ken Blum, CEO Lifeline Screening, Louisville, KY
"I've been making a conscious effort to get in better shape and my daughter was already a Core Wellness client so I took her up on her invitation because it sounded like a good informational seminar.
I was skeptical that it would be just a sales pitch but all the info was great! I especially enjoyed the posture section and the parts about the right way to exercise, how to breathe correctly, and the importance of the 3 points on the feet.
As a nurse I have seen the bad results of poor medications and toxic chemo and now I know which foods and specific supplements are fundamental to help avoid those ugly pitfalls." – Patricia Hollis, Elizabeth, IN
"I thought Dr. Hoffman did a great job in presenting the information in a clear and entertaining manner, with good visual aids and audience participation opportunities to really drive his message home.
I came because I was ready to get back in tune with my posture and to drop some pounds and the advice on biomechanics and supplements was great. I also enjoyed the videos on the pharma and factory farming industries.
This event gives a great deal of information that could help you to rethink how you approach nutrition and exercise along with tips on changing your outlook on taking care of yourself.
It will also make you aware of the marketing machine that drives media messages about health and food, and how to feel better while avoiding a lot of the challenges that make us prematurely age." – Melinda Simpson, Louisville, KY
"This was my second event at Core Wellness. I was skeptical before my first time wondering if it would be more hype than content but was pleasantly surprised to get practical strategies I could put to use immediately. Dr. Hoffman's got the system down pat.
I feel like some of my movement limitations could be overcome by using the unique core stability tips I learned. I especially enjoyed the section where we learned the power of standing on "the three pillars".
After losing interest in yet another exercise routine due to lack of progress, now I'm excited to start a whole new year of promise! – Jody Smiley, Louisville, KY
Dear Health Conscious Friend,
If you are one of the millions of people who just KNOW that the current "pill for every ill" sickness care system is a losing battle and if you're becoming more and more interested in finding ways to live a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling pain free life without becoming dependent on dangerous drugs or invasive surgery, I'm excited to share with you some VERY good news.
If you're really serious about creating the pain free energetic body and mind you've been dreaming of and enjoying your life to the fullest without worrying about chronic pain, degenerating joints, and constant fatigue, then this event could very well be one of those "pivotal moments" in your life that allows you to BREAK FREE of your current patterns that have you stuck in an endless and frustrating loop of health stagnation, degeneration, and decay.
Here it is in a nutshell…YOU MUST GET INFORMED! You MUST get the vital, energy enhancing information that your not getting from the media, the pharmaceutical industry,or your doctor.
Always Remember…
EDUCATION…NOT MEDICATION Is Your Key To A Pain Free, Energetic Life!
And the cutting edge information I've put together for this event serves as your official "wake up call" to start taking action on some new knowledge that will create an instant surge of energy as you uncover and systematically repair your hidden "energy leaks" that have slowly but steadily been stealing your vitality. (Some people even call this "aging".)
about the insane ways our nation is attempting to fix our miserably failing health care system, I have created a life changing presentation that allows YOU to take back the reigns and "reawaken" your OWN all knowing, all powerful "doctor within".
Next Mini Boot Camp Date And Time TBA
I'd like to invite you to a very exciting, motivational, inspirational, and interactive 90-minute Mini Boot Camp that will unveil some extremely powerful thought, exercise, and nutrition strategies to help you kick start your healthy living transformation and "build your buffer" against the breakdown of stress induced unhealthy aging conditions.
Consider this…when you add up a nutrient deficient diet, lack of good exercise, mental stress, and a toxic environment, you end up with a stressed out body, brain, and central nervous system!
And the end result of ALL stress, no matter whether it's physical, mental, or nutritional, means the release of the damaging stress hormone, cortisol, which can be extremely devastating and cause all kinds of energy zapping, worrisome conditions like:
- weight gain
- chronic pain
- arthritis
- tendonitis
- hormone imbalances,
- mood swings,
- anxiety,
- depression,
- addiction,
- allergies,
- asthma,
- high blood pressure,
- heart disease,
- cancer,
- chronic colds and flu,
- cancer,
- diabetes,
- pre-diabetes,
- irratable bowel,
- heartburn
- reflux,
- constipation,
- there are MANY more…because essentially ALL "diseases" are STRESS INDUCED!
The truth is…these stress induced problems are TOTALLY PREVENTABLE AND REVERSABLE with a comprehensive "Move Right, Eat Right, Think Right" 3 Pillars stress reduction approach! And that's exactly what you can look forward to at this exciting new event.
But make no mistake, if you're not careful, you can easily get
"diverted" down into the "medical loop of craziness".
It can happen with ONE diagnosis and ONE drug that causes ONE side effect that's treated with ANOTHER drug, that causes ANOTHER side effect and an endless march from "-ologist" to "-ologist" who are treating you as parts of a mechanical machine and NOT as the whole perfect mind, body, and spirit that you really are.
My prediction…the days of mechanical medicine are numbered. The system must crash. It must.
For goodness sakes…even medical journals today are reporting that ADR's (adverse drug reactions) kill more than 106,000 people every year! That's makes it the fourth leading killer in the U.S.!
Do you see this insanity?
And the kicker about the ADR thing is that these deaths are from prudent prescribing! It doesn't even count the mistakes or the non prescription drug ADR's.
To make the case for the drastic mindset shift that's needed in health and medicine even stronger, think about the startling review published by Null et al, called "Death By Medicine", an amazing article with over 150 references, added up all the numbers of mistakes, hospital errors, ADR's, etc. and came up with astonishing yearly death toll from conventional medicine as 783,936!
According To That Study…The American medical system our country's #1 leading killer!
IT'S CRAZY!!!!!!!
Now, do you see what I mean by, "it must crash"!
With all those scary statistics now out in the open, what do you do? Do you bury your head in the sand about it and just hope and pray you don't become a statistic?
Or do you go in search of a better way? A way that actually digs a little deeper and places YOU in control of your health instead of your doctor!
I love what Dr. Bernie Seigel, author of the best selling mind/body healing books "Love, Medicine, and Miracles", and "Peace, Love, and Healing" says to his cancer patients facing the condition. He says
"Get the phrase "difficult" or "uncooperative patient" in your
medical file and your guaranteed to live longer!"
What does that mean? IT MEANS QUESTION AUTHORITY! QUESTION EVERYTHING! ASK WHY! KEEP ASKING "SO WHAT'S CAUSING THIS?" until you get a satisfactory and honest answer!"
And I want you to QUESTION ME!
Alright, now that I've got that off my chest, here's the bottom line.
You're body is designed to run perfectly and it WILL run perfectly and flawlessly when your mind, your body, and your nutrition are all in balance. AND YOU MUST LEARN HOW TO CREATE THAT BALANCE!
That's What This Exciting "Back On Track" Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Mini Boot Camp Is All About!
It's about teaching you what YOU need to know to live with calm in your mind and peace in your heart and how to turn the tables on gravity from a destructive force that drags you down into a force that you can actually recycle and harness for unbelievable power, energy, and spring for the many performances of your life that are yet to come!
Here's a few more of the surprising things you'll discover at this inspiring Mini Boot Camp…
- How to reduce your risk of sudden heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes, allergies, asthma, even depression and ADHD with this ONE simple dietary strategy
- What exactly is your "core"…really (If you've ever done or seen Pilate's, you'll really be surprised by this shocking revalation!)
- How yoga fits in to the whole picture and how you can benefit from it's practice without the fear of looking silly or pulling a muscle.
- The "new rules of posture" and why "shoulders back!" can often do more harm than good
- Why the best selling book and DVD, "The Secret", left millions empty handed and back into their same old rut (you'll learn the magic missing ingredient for permenant life changes)
- The absolute WORST time of the day to exercise and how this one mistake could cause major spinal disc blowouts!
- What you can learn from a 4 month old infant that will keep you looking and feeling youthful, confident, and lean.
- The TRUTH about whole grain and why you should be cautious of government guidelines
Come prepared to move with loose fitting clothes like sweats and be prepared to go stocking footed or barefoot (barefoot preferred), because we will be doing some breakout sessions to help you "switch on" your true core and flood your body and mind with amazing feelings of growth, renewal, and rejuvenation!
And it's not going to cost you an arm and a leg either!
This special "paradigm shifting" event will only cost you $47 if you enroll by ______________. PLUS…YOU CAN BRING UP TO TWO ADDITIONAL GUESTS…FOR FREE!
Why am I offering so much for so little?
Here's why…
If drug companies can spend 4.2 billion a year to get you to believe that using drugs to treat the effects of stress accumulation is the answer, then I'm willing to offer you this ridiculously low fee to come and discover for yourself the research based information that can help you live a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life without getting sucked into the belief that any true healing could ever come from anywhere but inside yourself!
Listen, I just want as many people as possible to get these powerful fundamentals down pat! Because the RAW TRUTH IS THIS…
You Seldom Need Anything Else!
So this extremely content rich seminar could be your portal to the whole new natural health care paradigm you've been searching for!
For fastest response to guarantee your seats click on the link below OR call Rebecca at 812-280-8170 from 9am to 7pm Monday – Friday. ( If after hours, just leave a message and we'll take care of you!))
In addition…I just know with all my heart that the strategies I'll be sharing at this unique session can literally save you thousands of dollars in medication and doctor bills while giving you the opportunity to really live.
You deserve to enjoy your life with a body that feels good, a body that feels energetic, and a mind that feels happy and fulfilled.
If we receive your reservation after we've already reached our limited seating capacity, you'll be placed on the waiting list for the next event.
So look at your schedule NOW and make whatever changes you need to make to accommodate this unbeatable opportunity to receive a big supportive, motivational, and inspirational push to not only help you maintain your health but also give you a running head start into a the healthiest and happiest year of your life!
And remember to think good thoughts, eat good food, and KEEP MOVING!
Complete and submit your reservation now.
Dr. Hoffman
P.S. Remember…reserve before ______________________ and your investment is ONLY $47 PLUS you get to bring up to 2 GUESTS FOR FREE!!!!