happy and hale

Core Wellness + Happy and Hale = Follow Your Heart, Move Your Body, and Eat More GREEN

[fb-like]  On our recent Eastward trip through Asheville (see Ashevillage interview here) and on to Raleigh to share the message of Core Wellness, I was on the prowl for cool people doing cool things that were congruent with the Core Wellness Institute “3 Pillars” philosophy of Mindset, Movement, and Nutrition.   So when my Yogi niece told me about Happy…

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Dr. Steve and Rebecca On TV News With Green Smoothies

To promote the Green Smoothie class Rebecca and I did for Earthsave Louisville,  WHAS News “Great Day Live” had us on for a TV appearance with a fun and informative clip about getting more raw greens into you…and your kids! Watch on WHAS Great Day Live Website CLICK HERE For Green Smoothie Recipe and Suggested Blenders