sciatica disc test

3 Lessons for Releasing Stress, Solving Sciatica, and Healing Your Gut

After a couple months of hibernation and contemplation, I”m back outside at Vissing park this weekend sharing some solid strategies for pain relief, stress relief, and a healthy gut. Here’s want to expect: The “Mindset” Piece… This morning I treated a patient with a headache of several days duration from neck and shoulder tension that was driven by some deep mental /…

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Piriformis Back and Hip Pain Exercise…Actually Done Right

I’ve seen enough.  I’ve been searching the web to see what kind of back pain/sciatica exercise programs people are putting out there and I have to say that I’ve been shocked and even appalled!  A lot of what I’m seeing is not only not good for you but actually dangerous! I included one below that I have tagged as a…

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