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The Most Powerful Anti-Inflammatory, Alkaline Foods On Earth! (GardenCast)

[youtube]Lp5vXTJvi1g[/youtube] In addition to being one of my favorite things in the world to do, gardening in cool weather makes the most powerful foods on the planet! GREENS!!! My mantra to all my clients and students is "More Green, Less Grain" because the bottom line is this…green food by its very nature is ANTI-INFLAMMATORY! You CAN heal from serious degenerative…

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Internationally Renowned Raw Food Diet Gurus Visit Louisville Area

Raw Food Diet Louisville Resource   Core Wellness and the Louisville Area Raw Food Meetup Group Welcomes America’s Favorite Raw Food Couple, Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes-Monarch For An Afternoon of Health Transforming Stories, Inspiration, And Motivation To Incoporate More RAW LIVING Energizing Food Into Your Lifestyle! Get To Know Matt and Angela With The 2 Videos Below! (More Info…

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Omega 3 Fats For Pain Relief, Weight Loss, And MUCH More!

It seems every time I do a seminar and talk about nutrition, the whole concept of omega 3 fats brings up a lot of questions and comments. So today I’m going to give you my take on the benefits of omega 3 fats when it comes to dropping pounds and doing it in a pain free way. Heres’ the bottom…

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3 Crucial Factors For Pain Free Weight Loss – Part One

The first thing and most important factor for weight loss is, of course, to get your body moving.  But just the thought of exercise can send some people running (or limping) to the hills! You may have your reasons…sometimes they’re emotional (made fun of for lack of athleticism in school), and sometimes they’re about the time it takes (just don’t…

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