What’s the best way to avoid chronic pain and strain from sitting in a chair all the time?
The tips in the video above will hopefully give you some ideas as to how to make your computer or work station environment more ACTIVE!
Lots of people are starting to use exercise balls chairs but if you choose the wrong size you could be doing more harm than good!
The video squares that away for you right off the bat!
The standing desk station is my favorite. I stand on a rocker board so I can keep my central nervous system engaged and my posture balanced. It’s very difficult NOT to stand in good posture when you’re balancing on a rocker board!
PLUS…you get to burn some extra calories in the process!
And as far as the exercise ball surfing at the end…well that’s obviously advanced core training and I do NOT suggest you go and try that one just yet.
So let me know what you think about these tactics for reducing strain at your computer work station and let me know what helps YOU the most to avoid strain while you work!
Another question if I may…If you sit on an an exercise ball chair or use a standing desk workstation, has it helped you??
Hello Dr. Steve,
Just want to say how nice it is to find another DC in Indiana loving the benefits of using the ball.
You provide a great service to your patients and the community at large, well done.
Kindest Regards,
Steven Roberts DC
Thanks Dr. Roberts for your remarks! The ball is such an awesome tool that is WAY too underused!
Hi Dr Steve,
I’m a young chiro (2years in practice) from downunder New Zealand.
Just wanted to say that I’m a regular to your site. You fuse chiro and exercise well and its a good rolemodel for me.
The video clips are good in length and you explain it in a smooth and easy to understand manner, even fellow chiros can benefit!!
I work in a small room currently but next step is a opening a centre so I can have patients learn exercise and how to move well
Keep up the good work, I’m tuning in!!
Very cool, Frank! Glad you’re benefiting from the info! It’s SO important for your clients to groove good efficient, strain free movement patterns. Study up on the new stuff from the Prague School (Pavel Kolar and company) and be sure to get Craig Liebenson’s text if you don’t already have it. WEALTH of knowledge in there!
Thanks again for “tuning in”! Spread the word!
Hey, it looked like the surfing was even challenging for you. Love all of your tips so please keep them coming.
Yes, it was a bit of a rough landing ;-). I’ll try it again soon! Thanks for the comment, Becky!
where is your office moving? I think we have enough balls at Milestone that I could try that….. They seem to be like “Tribbles” in our studio (so many people have no clue what I’m talking about when I say that…oh well) 🙂
I’ll be posting pix and video soon for introduction to the new space. Just a few blocks away in an old Indiana University Southeast Building. I needed a personal office for research, recording studio, etc. VERY excited. Demolition phase of buildout started today!
I took off too fast on the surfing for my space. Milestone will offer you more freedom to really surf.
Tribbles…I have to admit, I had to look up Tribbles. I’m a Trekkie wannabe. With my research, now I’m that much more on my way. Just wish I would have had it sink in during my formative years!
[…] How to Use an Exercise Ball Chair and Create a Standing Desk…Plus … […]