Best Sleeping Position and How to Get Out of Bed

This is one of the most common questions I get from my private clients, Core Wellness Institute students, and subscribers.

So for the "Activities of Dailiy Living" Library inside Core Wellness Training Course I recorded myself in the optimum sleep positions that create the least amount of stress on your body…

But I just couldn't keep it to course students only!

So today you get an insider's look at what kind of content is inside the course.  I hope you enjoy it and benefit from it!

Let me know in the comments below if this is helpful to you.  And if you can think of any other activities of daily living that need this sort of training, let me know.  Thanks!


  1. Dr. Steve,

    I’ve been using one of the contour pillows and find that it works for me. I’ll try using a pillow between the knees, but I move so much while sleeping that it may just end up on the floor.

    Thanks for the reminder re: popping out of bed to get the garbage to the curb. It is garbage night tonight. Going to take care of that now 🙂


  2. I’ve found that as I’ve gotten older, I can’t stay in the same sleeping position for very long, e.g., my legs will wake me up when they’ve been in the same position for too long. I’m going to try the pillows for cushioning. Thanks!!

    • You’re welcome, Karen. Sometimes Magnesium deficiency can cause restless legs as well as iron deficiency (check for ferritin, not just serum iron).

      Magnesium deficiency is rampant. It’s especially a possibility if you are constipated, have any muscle twitches, tremors, etc. or if you’re heart beat has become erratic.

      Found primarily in GREEN FOOD! Hope it all helps.

  3. Dr. Steve,
    I’ve been using a body pillow for years, or at least 2-3 pillows if I’m somewhere else. It makes a world of difference for me. Otherwise, I have to spend time in the morning really working out the kinks in my back and trying to get a breath before I can even get out of bed. I like what you said about practicing the lengthening. I notice sometimes I end up too scrunched if I’m not careful. Since falling on the ice, I’ve had a little more trouble in the morning, though, with my mid to upper back.

  4. Good suggestions! I have a lot of discomfort from arthritis and find myself tightening too much when trying to sleep on my side. But I can’t sleep on my back due to an apnea problem or on my stomach due to the arthritis in my neck. Occasionaly I think to stretch out to keep from doing this tightening, but I will try to remember to do it repeatedly each night. I think this will make it easier to go to sleep. Also good to know about the extra risk to disks in the A.M. Thank you.

  5. Thank you again. Watched this before sleep-time tonight. Let me start backwards:

    Getting up in the morning, I do a roll and use my arms, much like you do. Of necessity – my spine/back/stomach muscles don’t feel strong enough to do it for me and I’m feeling too sore and arthritic. I thought I was “cheating” using my arms (I lift 5 lb weights daily which works for me to keep my arm muscles strong, plus playing violin keeps them strong – I think). You’ve “vindicated” me in my method.

    As for the discs being turgid – yes. But for me, I HAVE no lumbar disc at all at L5-S1, it was removed in entirety 4 years ago – and I sometimes feel its absence (I think) (in a very bad way).

    Worst of all for me, getting up and in wee hours, I get serious muscle cramping in my feet/toes/and lower legs. I just HAVE to get up and press the foot down with all my weight to undo it. If I try to stretch it out – OUCH!!! Opposite of what I need. Any thoughts as to source, and what to do about that one? I take Magnesium supplements from Life Extension and also eat alot of good salads. My iron is fine.

    Now, for sleep per se. Because that L5 disc is gone, I cannot abide by pressure on lower spine. I sleep either on my side and my left hip hurts from it – I’ve used a pillow but up high nearer my head. I’ll try it lower near my side.

    But also, I try to keep my upper back, neck and head higher (as if I’m sleeping in a recliner, even if on my side). I don’t have one of those triangular angled foam sleep pillows, I just build my pillows behind me. I vary between being on my back with my head up, or on my side with my head more up. I think I must be throwing myself pretty out of alignment.

    What say you?

  6. Hi, I saw on your video that side sleeping is recommended. I tend to switch between right side sleeping and sleeping on my belly, and I was wondering if there are any reasons someone should choose left over right or vice versa, and if sleeping on your stomach could end up damaging your spine or posture.

    • There are some studies that show that right side sleeping is better if you have congestive heart failure and one study that suggests that right side sleeping can make reflux worse.  But when it comes down to it, what is most comfortable and gives you the best night’s rest.

      Pure stomach sleeping can be hard on you if you have neck issues or TMJ issues but it you prop one side up a bit with a vertical pillow / body pillow and it can reduce the neck stress.  If you have low back pain and it’s worse with stomach sleeping you can also try this.  Pure stomach sleeping can jam your low back facet joints together and be irritating…especially if you have spinal stenosis.  A set of push away lunges (like in the free exercise series you got when you subscribed) everyday can help this problem as well.

      Hope that helps, Brittney!


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