Total Eclipse 2017 – Core Wellness Simple Secret Message For A Healthy Life

Total Solar Eclipse Photo 2017

Find community and don’t miss anything! Video is below (photo by Kerry Barbato)

Rebecca and I and the boys just got back from spending a couple of days camping with friends for the total solar eclipse along the Cumberland River in Tennessee.  Pretty amazing.

And just before totality, I thought about you.  

Because as a subscriber, you’re important to me and I wanted to be able to share a cool moment with you.

The lesson is quick and I actually got choked up as I said the 2 simple phrases.

“Find community and don’t miss anything.”

The “Find community” piece…

Socializing with a group of people who are meaningful to you, who you can talk openly with, deep conversations that go far beyond eclipses and weather, is just as important, if not more important than all the other diet, exercise, and lifestyle things we do.

And scientific proof is building more and more around that every day.

So enjoy social media, but get around a real circle of friends more often, OK?

The “don’t miss anything” piece…

Many years ago, I remember success philosopher, Jim Rohn, say this once and it stuck out to me.

Here’s my perception and perspective on this…

Do everything you can to experience as much of life as you can.  Go for “total awe” experiences.

It’s more work sometimes, yes.  We packed, drove 3 hours there, slept in a tent, drove 6 and a half hours back in traffic.  

But these “total awe” experiences change you.

They re-wire your brain because they “interrupt your patterns” or “break your loops” and possibly give you new perspectives on life.  Or at the very least, give you an opportunity to actually be present in the moment.

So the next time you get a chance to do something cool and different.  Go for it and blow your own mind, OK?

Enjoy the short video.  It’s less than a minute long.  I appreciate you for being a subscriber.

Talk to you soon.  Lots of new stuff coming your way!



  1. Thanks Steve. I could not agree more. I was in Hopkinsville for the eclipse and I was so taken by how lovely all the people were, almost reverent. They came from all over the country and even Canada. The people from Hopkinsville were warm and welcoming. Much of the trip was a little outside my comfort zone, but it was a fabulous day that I will treasure, always.

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