This one leg “hip hinge” exercise is crucially important for sparing your spine and helping you avoid disc injury and the life altering sciatica that often comes along with it.
Actually, this is one of the best herniated disc exercises ever because it fixes one of the main CAUSES of disc bulges or disc herniations…too much spinal flexion (bending forward so that you low back becomes rounded).
I think you’ll also be pleasantly surprised at how it makes everyday movement like bending, lifting, and even walking soooo much easier.
It’s really a test of your balance. Be sure to leave a comment and tell me how you do!
Excellent information. I have been following your exercises on improving posture and feel so much better. I will pratice this new way of bending over and picking up items off the floor. Your program is amazing. Thank you so much.
That’s awesome, Mary! It’s all about movement habits and programs. Release and Rewire!
I really enjoy receiving your emails, their brief and execellent to follow information. I share them with my assistant and we remind eachother to practice throughout the day. The "hip hinge" is a great stretch. I think this will help alot especially that we sit at our computer most of the day. Thank you so much for sharing. Cheers!
Excellent Maria! Yes, the hip hinge is ESSENTIAL! And sharing is great especially because it gives you an accountability partner!
I always have wondered exactly how a hip hinge should be executed! Now I know. Your instructions are very clear and now I have no excuses not to continue practising this exercise. Thank you!
@Sue…once you practice them as an exercise, you will become aware of literally HUNDREDS of opportunities every day to use them in daily life. Teeth brushing, picking something up of the floor, vacuuming, lifting heavy objects, washing dishes, squatting, unplugging an electronic device (I do that a lot with my laptop and always wonder how people who can’t hip hinge could ever do it without hurting their back). Remember…the most important thing is How You Do What You Do When You Do It! (HYDWYDWYDI)
Great Information Dr. Steve! I've shared this with some friends that will definitely benefit from it. I continue to pray that you know how valuable your knowledge is to the public. You are a blessing. Thank you!
@Brenda…Thanks so much for sharing and you kind words about the value. YOU are a blessing, too! Thank YOU for spreading the word.
I've had hip problems for over 16 years and until a friend led me to your exercises I was in complete hip pain at less than 40 years old. In less than a month of working with your exercises I feel great and have less hip pain. Thank you so much.
@Bridget…That’s so great to hear! And there’s so much more at the Core Wellness Institute!
Thanks Dr Steve, great advice as usual……simple and yet very strengthening. I will practice until it eventually becomes second nature. You really are a blessing the way you share your knowledge. Thank you so much.
Good goal, Di…second nature. That’s what it’s all about.
I really enjoy getting your videos. I am amazed at how helpful they are. I am proud to say I have been practicing this hip hinge for years. Now I just need to be able to do all the other exercises you have given me.
Thanks Leesa! Congrats on sticking with the hip hinge. Once you have a habit of doing the other exercises, you'll feel weird when you're NOT doing them! Thanks for your comment.
Thanks, will practice this one…. at the moment (doing as I watch) one side easier than other…….ankle seems to take on a wobbly life of its own!
Jade…that will happen but it improves fast with focus.
I really appreiate and enjoy your videos. I've been getting treatment from a chiropractor but it doesn't seem to me, that it is helping a muscle in the small of my back which is causing sciatic nerves to bother my leg. Keep the videos coming. Thank you, Hope Brown
Thank you and you're welcome, Hope. Try clicking on the following checklist to find someone near you who holds a similar philosophy to what you see on this site.
Dr. Steve,
Your hip hinge video was a revelation for me. I use this to teach people how to lift items correctly.
John T.
Steve, I love all of your videos – thank you for sharing your knowledge with us! I have tried balancing on one leg and can do it for a couple of minutes with eyes open, but as soon as I close my eyes I last about 7 seconds. Just tried it again and managed 15 seconds. I guess it gets easier with practice – but why do we need to be able to balance on one leg with our eyes closed anyway??
Just as an interesting observation; I was lying on my back the other day doing wrist and ankle circles at the same time, and I noticed that I could circle wrists and ankles in the same direction at once but if I try rotating wrists inwards and ankles outwards – or vice versa – it just didn't work!! I just can't wrap my brain around it. But it's fun trying (I've obviously got too much time on my hands….) Can you do it?
@Nicky…eyes closed takes visual out so that your brain becomes dependent on information from your joints, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and skin.
Training this sense of proprioception improves your balance and allows your brain to react more quickly to unexpected movements (like slipping on ice, tripping on a rock, being pushed from behind, etc.).
Basically it prevents injury and helps your nervous system become a livelier taster of the universe!
Regarding the ankle, wrist rotations…It took extreme focus but I could do it a few times…until my cortex got tired!
Great info! Well, at the age of 58, I found that must have been doing something right. Discovered your video today and after a little practice I was able to stand on one foot, eyes closed, for 60 seconds, the other foot – 55 seconds! I’m a bit shaky on the hip-hinge move, but can do it! I’ll incorporate your exercise into my day. Thanks!!
Hey I have been doing hip hinge doing last 4-5 days and everything I do it I experience a some sort of feeling in my lower back also there is a pinch in between the shoulder blades. Am I possibly doing the hip hinge wrong way?
Ps :I am doing the hip hinge wall drill without any equipment
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