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Our goal with this raw food advocacy is to connect and support you with resources and like minds who are interested in living a long, healthy, and fulfilling life through choosing more life giving raw foods that ADD to your energy pool and not SUBTRACT from it!
Here's what to do FIRST…Go to our RAW FOOD MEETUP GROUP home page and join our Meetup group! By joining you'll get the updates about our monthly polucks and also get the informative handouts and other resources we give out at the meetings.
If you're not a member of Meetup.com just create a quick profile!. It's easy and not only can you meetup with raw food aspirants but also with other people who think the same way you do.
Next… Be sure to get on the Core Wellness Institute email list HERE. You will be immediately sent an email asking you to confirm your subscription and you will also receive a posture improvement and healthy aging video series.
And before I go any further...here's the SPROUTING GUIDE I promised you! It's a PDF you can download and keep in your kitchen for a quick reference guide!
Good Website Links For Raw Food Resources
Here's some great links to get you started on your journey into understanding more about the benefits of raw and living foods!
The most densely packed with recipes, articles, and online discussion forums is www.living-foods.com. This is a great place to start learning…especially with all the wonderfully categorized articles!
And a great book to start with is Living Foods For Optimal Health by Brian Clement
Brian Clement also runs Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida at http://www.hippocratesinst.org/
There's also some interesting video from Dr. Thomas Lodi's cancer clinic (the place I visited in Arizona) where they use green juice fasting and a raw food diet as the foundation of therapy at www.anoasisofhealing.com
A new aquaintance of mine and raw food chef at The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, AZ who also started the Bloomington, IN raw food potluck has a great interview for novices about a green smoothie. Here it is …AndyReedRAWuncut
The Raw Food World is an online raw food superstore ran by raw food author and educator Matt Monarch. Get your goodies at http://www.therawfoodworld.com
Matt and his wife Angela do a DAILY web TV show at www.therawfoodworld.tv
Angela's own site talking about how she lost 160lbs and transformed her life is at http://www.rawreform.com
I also love Kevin and Ann Marie Gianni's site at http://renegadehealth.com/blog/
Kevin works really hard to bring you a balanced view of all aspects of health beyond the dogma that's often found in strict dietary philosophies. I think you will enjoy it, too!
Please leave a comment with any questions or stories of your own about raw food!
Wish I was closer to participate in your pitch ins. I will check in to see what you have going on to keep my raw food ideas fresh. How fun and fresh and energy providing raw food is!! Cheers! Susan
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