push away exercise for posture correction and pain relief

The PUSH AWAY Exercise Strategy to Fix Your Posture and Find Pain Relief

After some hill intervals during my morning hike, I was inspired to share this important movement principle / exercise to build strength and stability to fix forward head posture. Plus…get rid of neck, back, and shoulder pain to boot. J Just re-awaken the developmental patterns of your “inner infant”.  Enjoy

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The Best Shoulder Pain Exercise (Part 2) and Getting Up Off The Floor

2 Big Things To Talk About In Today's Episode Of Core Wellness TV! FIRST:  An Exciting Announcement: As you'll see, I'm standing along the beautiful Current River in Missouri during this episode.  And as you'll discover when you watch the announcement, I'm finally overcoming my resistance to doing live events on the road. So if you like the way I explain movement, posture,…

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