New “Organic” Upper Back and Neck Stiffness Exercise, Staying Open, And The Power of Magnesium

After another AWESOME week of treating patients and consulting with private clients, I wanted to share another "wrap up" session based on what I taught and what I LEARNED this week with a "3 Pillars of Core Wellness" frame of reference…


In today's episode you'll learn how the "Push Away Phenomenon" creates an anti-gravity "rocket ship" feeling and how magnesium calms your mind and slows brain cell death…among many other nuggets in the ray of blinding sunlight in the walnut grove at Perrin Park!  (Also I think this is my sweatiest episode to date…it was HOT 🙂


The Mindset piece came from an inspirational 70 plus year old patient who said, "Steve, my whole life I've had coaches and teachers and I never stop learning new things.  I hope I learn something new the day I die!"  WOW.

The Movement piece goes a step deeper into helping you get rid of headaches, neck pain, carpal tunnel, and especially shoulder issues like rotator cuff strain / spains, tendonitis, bursitis, impingement syndrome, and more.  You'll be taken back to the time when you were 7 to 8 months old and just starting to do what's called an "oblique sit".

I use this position every day (nod to Jiri, Pavel, Alena, Vaclav, and the rest of the Prague School) to train my patients and clients to release the tension in their neck and shoulders…so make sure you watch the video!

Lastly…the Nutrition piece is all about magnesium and how it can calm your mind, lower your blood pressure, relieve constipation, and help your body make it's own "fish oil" (EPA/DHA).



Dr. Steve demonstrates the "push away phenomenon" for better posture, less pain, and more energy!


  1. Dear Dr. Steve,

    Your willingness to share your vast knowledge of practical health and well being is astounding. I absolutely can not thank you enough.

    I can’t wait to fully impliment you training into my life, but I am trying to heal from 2 herniated lumbar discs which have me locked tight with pain. Therefore, I am very hesitant to jump in with full steam. Any advise on how to proceed under these unfortunate circumstances would be greatly appreciated.

    I am absolutely confident, that after finding your web site while searching for answers to my disc problems, that I would NOT have this problem had I know of your teachings and applied them.

    Sincerely yours

    • Hey Steve,

      The best thing to do is get a good functional diagnosis beyond the anatomical diagnosis of disc herniation so you can get to the core of the problem.

      You need to know what movements and activities are therapeutic for you.

      A good chiropractor or PT with a background in functional training and rehab is a great place to start. If they ONLY do passive care (adjusting, ultrasound, electric stimulation, etc.) and give out canned exercise sheets beware.

      There is a video and home disc / sciatica self help handout at if you haven’t seen it yet.

      You’ll make it through this. Have faith.

      • Dr. Steve,

        Thank you for your guidance. I hope I can continue to call upon your wisdom as I ‘make it through this.’

        The ‘faith’ component is definitely in place as that is how I found your blog! I do have the correct anatomical diagnosis (MRI), and I will start a search in my area today for a ‘chiropractor or PT’ for the ‘functional’ side of the equation!

        Once again, I can’t thank you enough. Though we are many miles apart, I hope to one day meet you pain free, stand tall, and shake your hand!

        Sincerely yours.

  2. This is how I get out of bed in the morning (pushing away from the mattress with my bent arm) so I’m on the right track, thankfully. I like your comment about seeking knowledge. It helps me feel less obsessed about finding solutions for my stiff and aching muscles. I tried taking magnesium chloride but had to give it up because it made me very thirsty and was hard on my kidneys. I’ll try the magnesium citrate one of these days. Soaking in epsom salts seems to help.

    • Keep seeking until you find, Dianne. That side lying push away is key. You just have to make sure your shoulders don’t draw to your ears as you do it!

      I like mag glycinate for best oral absorption and mag citrate for improved bowels. Never tried or prescribed mag chloride. Was it oral or transdermal?

      • I took it orally in tablet form and I used a spray for awhile but it’s expensive. Others buy it in bulk and drink it in solution. There’s information on the web somewhere but I no longer have the link. Actually, the info I read on the benefits of magnesium was very good.

  3. Inspiring, Dr.Steve. 
    One extra benefit I got from your course, and your ongoing videos, that came as a complete surprise:  you’ve helped my asthma cough.   When you taught how to drop the shoulder blades so they stay dropped, how to free up the lumbar spine,  a bunch of insights you’ve given us about the ribs,  and other wonderful help that I’ve been able to follow, I started getting a big, unexpected improvement in this dratted cough that’s been diagnosed as cough-variant asthma.  Nothing else has really calmed it.
    I’m very deeply grateful. 

    • That’s AWESOME, Miss Cynthia! YOU did it!

      When the central nervous system is calmed through good functional movement, good anti-inflammatory foods, and good thoughts, seemingly “unrelated” problems can just mysteriously disappear.

      That’s what often explains the mysterious “side benefits” of chiropractic. When the body moves in places where it was once “stuck”, or “congested”, the “windmill” of the brain and nervous system gets to turn again and your body functions more optimally!

      (The movement of the spine generates 90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain. This would be analogous to a windmill generating electricity. – Dr Roger Sperry, 1981 Noble prize recipient for brain research.)

      Scientifically, this “windmill turning” called functional afferance and it’s this loss of afferance that leads to much unnecessary pain, fatigue, and ill health.

      You are an action taker and should be an inspiration to others. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful “side benefit” of Core Wellness!


  4. It is quite amazing… With each of your posts, I am blessed to be able to pull at least one piece of information that I can use to improve my life. Thank you Steve, for sharing your knowledge & love for organic health! Your practice continues to be my go-to suggestion when talking with friends about holistic remedies to health problems. God bless you, Rebecca, your family & your wonderful passion for good health!

  5. Good afternoon Dr. Steve. It’s been about a year since I contacted you. I won’t try to review my condition with you. Still seeing new Drs. searching for an answer. I enjoy the on line” get to your core” program and I want to make sure I keep my subscription. Will I automatically be notified when to renew? I’m using what will be my new primary e-mail address today to communicate. Thanks.

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