Today I want to share with you an expanded explanation of how Crossed Posture Syndrome is to blame for most frustrating pain syndromes like back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, hip pain and more.
After you watch this video please leave me your biggest questions about CPS because I am creating a new free training series to give more solutions to reverse the tension of this "hidden epidemic" to help you live with less pain, more energy, and of course…a confident and youthful POSTURE! Thanks!
After watching this video, it becomes crystal clear again that I NEED to be doing these exercises. I tried the “bent leg crossed and leaned forward” with the rest of the group and found I am very tight again. Time for more work.
When I consciously make an effort to walk “more upright” it does take away the pain in my lower back. I tend to take shorter steps and perhaps could benefit from lengthening my stride. Those forward lunges are calling my name. Now to listen and follow and do the lunges.
Yes, the “Push Away Lunge” is critical. Doing the Reverse CPS Now! exercises are like brushing your teeth. You have to do them everyday or else the “plaque” (or in the case of CPS… “tissue debt”) builds up to where it eventually starts causing problems. This is very important movement practice.
Thank you for your fabulous video. You are a beacon of hope as I finally have a real grasp of what is going on in my body. I am dealing with chronic lower crossed syndrome due to a decade plus desk job (acute now for 4 years). I am 39. I know from an MRI that I have low back disc degeneration but no bulges or herniations. I have done months (about 3-4) of pirformis and glute stretches as the pirformis and lower back are in constant spasm. (30 minutes a day of stretching). For about four years now, I have not been able to sit or even lay on my back/glute area comfortably because of the pain. I go from withstanding 15 minutes to up to 2 hours of sitting on my best days. I swim 3 x a week, and have a super healthy diet. I realize I have to strengthen the core/hip abductors and gluteus to move forward in my healing and am incorporating those exercises into my routine. I am realizing that my glutes have not been firing properly and am even changing the way i walk to awaken them! Since I am self employed, I’ve cut my sitting to a bear minimum to avoid pressing on triggers in my glutes and am careful not to stress out. Sorry for such a long background, but my burning question is……how long does it take for someone like me, with severe symptoms, with the proper exercises to get better? This pain has changed my life. I don’t travel, go out much or do anything that requires me to sit for too long. I know of no other case like mine that has been successfully reversed. Can you shed some light for me with your wealth of past case histories?
Hi Catherine, thanks for sharing.
Time for recovery will depend on the correct diagnosis of the pain generator and the dysfunctional movement patterns that are contributing.
But if you truly have tight hips in the front and have lost connection with your deep core system, then the fundamental exercise series should make a change within a few weeks of consistent work.
Watch for the new free training series coming out soon and consider the home training course or coaching program when it re-opens for more in-depth help.
For some more insight into how to walk correctly be sure you watch my Slow Motion Walking video at
Thank you. I love the walking video and in my retraining of my own gait, am waking up my glutes to the point where they are sore the next day. I have the starter exercises and am anticipating the full program. Of note, have you ever thought about cloning yourself so you could practice in all 50 states! After years of doctors, therapies and active participation on my end, and not to mention lots of dollars spent, I have yet to find a movement/body specialist in my area that could even come close to the theories you base your practice on and give me a real diagnosis. For those of us who are in pain, with no real answer, understandably it is frustrating….as it is like going through a tunnel blinded, and trying to find your way out the other side.
I will keep watching your videos and following the protocol in hopes that I can put together the pieces of my healing combination. Keep up the fine work.
Hi Steve,
Like Catherine, I am very tight from too many hours behind a desk.
I’m wondering what you think (in general) about the walking desk solution to the long hours of sitting issue? This involves having a treadmill set up under the computer/work bench. I’ve tried it for short periods with some success, but need a better treadmill if I’m to continue with it. I’m just not sure about making that investment.
Thanks for your illustrative videos. The diagrams, skeletons and images are particularly helpful.
I LOVE the walking desk / standing desk solution. While writing this I am doing a few day “test” of sitting instead of my usual standing and it’s wearing me out.
I would start with a bootstrap standing set up like I demonstrate in the following video (it’s actually a series that you’ll find helpful) at
The following is a search result for “computer” on this blog with lots of computer / desk ergonomic tips
I think you’ll like these solutions and find a more active office environment with a standing desk enough without springing for the treadmill. Maybe work up to the treadmill desk if you want the extra aerobic benefit.
Thanks for sharing!
Hello Dr. Steve, I am extremely grateful to you for providing exercises and information about crossed body syndromes. After an overuse injuries to my hip muscles, too much hiking in one day in the Grand Canyon, I have developed a severe case of lower cross body syndrome. I have been the typical route of Chiropractor, ( uniformed of this problem), M.D. and physical therapist. None of them had a clue about the importance of breathing correctly. I found this out only after dismal results from therapy and desperation of finding a solution myself.. Most of the people I would love to go to are far away and the expense would be too much to incur. I have been working on your exercises with breathing and baby back and I am seeing improvement. What I would like to know is this, I have a functional shorter leg on the right side. I have been using a tennis ball to roll the quadratus lumborum on this side and use a foam roller for hip flexors and quads. Backside I focus on trigger points in glutes and roll out the calfs. What do I need to do to get these leg to normal length? My pelvis is pulled up on the right and so pelvis is not level. I am extremely tight in the hips also. I understand this may be too difficult of a problem for you to advise exercises, but I wanted to give it a shot! Thanks again for all of your knowledge and making the correction exercises accessible online!!!
Hi Julie!
You’re right, that is a difficult one to answer since a high pelvis / leg length discrepency can result from lots of things…from unlevel occiput, to shoulder imbalance / dysfunction to arch issues, etc.
You might check the seated hip / piriformis stretch to see if there’s a big difference in ability to let your leg fall and get to work on the stiff one with the stretch.
Keep focusing on the fundamentals of breathing and opening up your hips and shoulders through the fundamentals series and watch for the upcoming free training series and re-opening of the home training and coaching program.
Hey Steve,
You talk about not closing down and curling forward, shortening the distance b/t ribs and pubic symphosis. However, it is important to keep a strong center to avoid spilling energy out the front and overloading the low back. How do your train the abdominals to find this balance? And how do you know where neutral is?
A perfectly executed “baby back” (as in the fundamentals series) gives you a perfectly centrated or “neutral” spine and pelvis position, Andrew.
Getting the back support zone connected along with the ability to breathe into it creates the all important intra-abdominal pressure and gives you your centrated foundation.
All movement is built upon that foundation it should be respected in every movement thereafter.
Thanks for the video. Quick question/comment- early in the video you say something like ‘this won’t help disc problems etc’.-While I get it’s not going to push the herniated disc back in line- is it pointless to do all this or will the stretching etc. help? My guess is yes-it will lessen the pull on the discs. However, I think this needs to be more clear in your next video. It was sort of an off-hand comment, but needs to be clarified. I have both upper and lower with the lower being more acute at the moment- s1-l5 facet joint is extremely inflammed and painful-starting pt soon and then onto cortisone shots. I recognize strengthening is key-but a little confused by that comment. -Otherwise, very grateful that you are addressing this and sorry to see so many people in the same boat as I am.
I get what your saying, Connie. During the “Piriformis / Hip Stretch” at the 6:58 mark I say that “this stretch is not going to fix sciatica from a disc”.
I was thinking in terms of immediate relief. If this stretch helps instantly like a lot of people comment and say it does, it usually means that the “sciatica” they were feeling was likely coming from a hot trigger point in the piriformis, glutes, and other muscles on the back side of the hip and pelvis.
Immediate relief from disc issues usually comes with a repeated extension or side bending movement that is targeted at the disc(s) in question. In this hip stretch, the back is kept completely straight so the discs are not directly affected (of course everything is connected…but more indirectly).
However…you are correct that yes, gaining more mobility through the back side of your hip will allow you to hip hinge and squat and lift with a flatter back and therefore take a big load off of your disc. That unloading will allow it to heal.
Hope that helps. Good catch. Thank you for bringing it to everyone’s attention!
Good day Steve! A bit of a side note, but I’ve got a question about Baby Belly. Is most of the weight on the pubic bone? And is it ok to squeeze the butt to get the pubic bone rooted?
Thank you,
Hello Dr. Steve,
I’m 31 years old and I can’t cross my legs because my hipflexor hurts when I push my knee down. how can I fix that?
Thank you very much.
[…] that occur as a result of these patterns. I simply combined the two together and called it “Crossed Posture Syndrome” or CPS for […]