Exercise for the Deep Hip Muscles, Probiotic Tips, and a Simple Mind/Body Stress Relief Tool

Resources From This Episode

Tapping World Summit

Mike Reinhold Blog

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  1. Thank you Dr. Steve, for another wonderful episode. Don't allow the unsubscribes (since you shared the link for the tapping summit) to discourage you. I totally agree with you, that the mind and body cannot be seperated, and am a living testimony of the powerful physical healing and changes that happen when someone deals with the emotional garbage in their lives.

    I was excited to see you in the cold water :), it inspired me to go jump in our own pool. We have a sauna beside our outside pool and so in the winter daddy swims on a regular bases and then uses the sauna afterward. I have come to the place where I enjoy it as well…you feel absolutely amazing after being in that cold water and then relaxing in the sauna…it's like receiving new life! 🙂

    Be blessed, encouraged, strengthen and always keep smiling!!

    – Rebecca

    • Indeed the emotional garbage is often and almost always the #1 thing keeping people stuck in damaging health patterns, Rebecca.  It takes courage to bust through but well worth it, as you know!

      Cold thermogenesis has a lot of interesting research around it.  Not my expertise but very interesting.  I know I felt re-vitalized after 15 minutes in that cold stream!


  2. Thanks Dr Steve, I've been having trouble with keeping glut medius "swithed on" and lower back pain. I just activated those inner muscles with your exercise and there was a bit of creaking going on and now I feel a nice warmth through my hip area. I think you've addressed the issue for me once again!

    Also, I have had a book on Tapping for several years so I'm going to dig it out and re read it, thanks.

    Regards, Marg T

    • Great Marg,  stay centered (breathing down low into your center/core) as you move into the deep hip rotation and take it slow at first.  Glad you were inspired to check out tapping again!

  3. I am starting the 5th year of my Stroke recovery.  I have worked out with the Silver Sneakers gruoup for 5 days a week in the mornings and with my trainer on Wednesdays in the early afternoon and on every other Saturday.   This is a slow recovery;  I feel like I am climbing out of a deep abyss and I am making improvements but they are coming slowly.  The people at the gym say I am an inspiration to them, and I am thinking to myself "you are really kidding, right".   I know that from reviewing what you have put online my improvements will come faster.

    • People can recognize commitment, Craig.  Along with a driving reason WHY.  Sounds like you’ve got it!  Saw your enrollment come through for the CWI program.  I look forward to helping you take it to the next level!

  4. Hey Steve, 

    Thanks for yet another inspirational and encourageing video! Have you experienced "FasterEFT"? It  is a streamlined, yet equally effective version of the tapping you mention above. My mum is trained in it. Well worth a look. http://www.fastereft.com Have a great day everyone!

  5. Haven't barefooted a stream (yet), but on my way to work I took off my jacket, opened up my shirt and felt the rain on my chest for the first time ever. It was a lot of fun. singing walking and knowing I belong under that rain (not hiding crunched up beneath my umbrella). Enjoy the world Doc.

  6. Hi, Dr. Steve,

    First, thanks for the tip on the Tapping World Summit. I've tried tapping before which felt too mechanical but the TWS has been terrific. Second, I've had right SI joint paint for years and have been doing core exercises regularly with limited success. I can do the hip rotation on the left side with ease and stability but doing it on the right side quickly creates a lot of muscle fatigue. I know it's hard for you to say but do you think this is merely exposing a symptom or could this actually be the solution to my problem! (I plan to repeat this daily and am hoping it's the latter).

    Thanks for all that you do.


  7. I have not been in the course much the last 10 days, because I have been spending my time working on  my mind/body with the tapping world summit. It was wonderful. I now have access to an even larger bag of more efficient tools. I also want to thank you so much for the exercise for deep hip muscles. You said my "hips would talk to my brain better".  Well they had a lot to say. The first thing they said was ouch, ouch, ouch, what are you doing? After the initial shock of being used for the first time in a very, very long time, they said, Oh this feels pretty good. I have not had much time to work on this, but the little time I have spent on it has really made a difference. It is so much easier to do the deep spiral bridge now. I still cannot do it quite right, but I am closer. Thank you again.

  8. posting again doc & and fellow readers


    In the short time since my last post I've made a few subtle changes to my posture and found some very interesting changes. When I stand and walk so that my hands are faced palms out and my shoulders no longer rolled forward I automatically stand a bit taller and feel more confident about myself overall. By breathing has improved with this recent hip exercise, and my favorite thing is when I sing I can FEEL when I have my diaphragm involved because I get the vibrations all the way down there in my hips.


    so overview

    knee pain alleviated, better breathing, more confident, better posture, increased tone range in speaking and singing…

    Thanks very much Doc.


    • Wow, very cool, Jordan!  I’m always amazed at the power of taking action on key moves like this.  Little hinges truly do swing big doors! 

      Congrats on IMPLEMENTING the teaching!  Keep it up!

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