Ball chair fail and a better way to do the “doorway stretch”

This past Tuesday I talked to a group of 75 dentists for their continuing education about crossed posture and the 3 pillars of Core Wellness.
I recorded it for you pulled out a couple of short clips with good “take homes”about ball chairs and the “doorway” chest stretch.
So many people do both of these things…use balls as chairs and stretch out in doorways.
But it’s a shame when they’re done incorrectly and often do more harm than good.
So check out this short clip and get the most out of this great tool and this great stretch.
Have an awesome weekend!
Dr. Steve
P.S.  Incorrect form in exercise and in activities of daily life are the main reason why our joints fail us so fast. Small adjustments make a world of difference.
If you’re sick of wondering if your exercising, sitting, reaching, squatting, breathing, or lifting right, join hundreds of other students who have taken the 30 day trial of the Core Wellness Institute training program.
You’ll be in good hands as you learn how to breathe, sit, stand, and move with less strain, less pain, and more energy.



  1. Bravo, those dentist were so lucky to get information from you. Keep up the great work, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    Your Friend,

    Mary Wolf

  2. i love your style! and the information you are providing is incredible. thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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