What shoes I recommend (and why), gut healing strategies, and how to clear brain clutter

A crazy “living with cats: report before today’s content:

I’m recovering from a heel injury today after being awakened from a dead sleep to blood curdling screams from my wife, Rebecca.  

I literally skidded down our wooden stairs on my heel (expecting the worst) to find our 2 female cats (both fixed), suddenly at each other’s throats after a front porch visit from a Tom.  (Finally got them back together without ripping and tearing).

So it’s bite and scratch first aid for Rebecca, and crutches, ice, proteolytic enzymes and anti-inflammatory herbs for me for a while!  (Plus some cat psychology research 🙂
But the show must go on!  So here’s another “3 Pillars Episode” of Core Wellness TV!
I’m knee deep in a freezing cold, spring fed stream in this one and I hesitated to release it because there’s a little wind at times and some background noise, but I know the content is worth it!
Here’s what I share in today’s episode…
In the MOVEMENT piece I share my favorite kind of shoes and why “taking responsibility for you feet” is important for less pain and strain…not only in your feet, but also in your knees, low back, and on up the chain! 
Hint…it’s all about the “incoming information” that a mobile, functionally moving foot gives to your brain.  It’s called “afferance” and it’s also what makes chiropractic so powerful. (But it’s also what can make you DEPENDENT on adjustments and I share how to avoid this in the video!)
In the NUTRITION piece, I revisit the basics of healing your GUT!  
This simple protocol, in addition to helping primary gut issues like constipation, irritable bowel, colitis, etc., can also balance and improve your immune system and the way your brain works (or doesn’t work) as well!
In the MINDSET piece, you get an interesting metaphor for all the damaging beliefs and perceptions you have “wired” into your brain as well as a powerful “water flow” strategy for “clearing the clutter” and making space for new, creative, and healing brain pathways!
Enjoy and please share!

Links Mentioned In This Episode:

Proven 4-Step Program To Cleanse and Detoxify Your Gut

Natural Allergy Relief Strategies – Part One: The Leaky Gut



  1. Hey Steve,  Just listened to your video on getting back to minimal shoes.  I am in my mid-60's and have extremely high arches and lately I have been having trouble with achilles tendonitis.  I stretch my tendon by hanging over a step but it has been an on going problem since last Sept.  My podiatrist says to never go barefoot and just made orthotics ($500) for me to wear in my tennis shoes.  They definitely push in on my arch and I am trying to get use to them.  Do you still think under these circumstances the orthotics are good or bad?  Can you give me any better exercises to do for my achilles tendontitis.  I am a walker and hate to miss out on that exercise especially now that it is warming up.  Thanks, Pat  

    • I have very limited info about your situation, but at the risk of sounding pompous…'never go barefoot" is like saying…"never drink water"! (that is..if you're a human!).

      I tell all my "orthotic dependent" patients to get on some soft grass and do super slow motion walking and feel all 3 pillars on the earth and balance on one leg with a strong core.

      We go more in depth with the coaching program if you would like to pursue different options.

  2. Wow Dr. Steve, great concepts and perfect timing. My brain has had major overload the last couple weeks and so as I lay my head on the pillow tonight I will allow the stress to wash down the river…beautiful picture you painted for us to let go and be renewed.

    Perfect timing for all this? Absolutely! Have not regained my energy since having taken antibiotics a month ago for an infection in my body. Light bulb turned on…maybe my answer is detox and the need for good bacteria in my gut. I will try it!

    Shoes! You have got me a little puzzled here; However, I am excited to see what you have to say (learning opportunity for me)! 🙂 Here is my story: I wear dress shoes (flats) with not much support for work (secretary job). However, if I wear flats or flip flops when I do any amount of walking I suffer a lot of lowback and shoulder pain. Example: shopping (I am not talking about a whole day, even several hrs are miserable) in flip flops or flats is miserable for me. So I wear nike shoes (because they have amazing support) for any amount of walking or when those are not appropiate for the occasion I just suffer…not a good idea I know! Aww, and another light bulb moment…I don't even like walking around the house in bare feet! Why not? Not Sure, but even in the summer i will wear flip flops or something in the house! And it's worse since I hurt my foot while walking on the beach a year ago (foot is still not completely ok)!

    Sorry Dr. Steve, I threw a lot at you, but would love to hear what you have to say! What could be going on here?

    Thank you for your passionate care for all! Be blessed! – Rebecca


    • I don't recommend flip flops for walking.  As I mentioned in the video.  Start by going down to a more "neutral" shoe like a nike free and take responsibility for your feet by working on doing a short foot type activity, toe spreading, and start walking on soft grass outside.

      We go deeper into the feet inside the training course.

  3. I'm wondering, would they be okay to run in or is it better to have a bit more stablization with running shoes? When I'm not running, I'm pretty much barefoot or in socks. Thoughts on the Sketchers Go Walk? They have been my go to sneaker when out running errands and feel like I'm in slippers.

  4. I have been wearing orthotics with a half inch heel riser in one foot to make up for one leg being shorter than the other. Likely caused from a broken leg as a 3 year old. Would this change your view on wearing a neutral shoe? Also play a lot of tennis and wear them while playing. Not sure how I would manage without them while playing tennis. Would be worried I might turn an ankle. Thoughts??

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