How To Keep Your Brain Healthy and Protect Your Memory


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Festivus, and Peaceful Solstice!

This is interesting…

Since we’ve got family coming to our house this year, and our refrigerator suddenly stopped working, I got a crash course lesson in refrigerator repair.

And this crisis / opportunity was the jumping off point for Santa Steve (I’m shaving soon, so check it out while you can :-)) to reveal the secrets of saving your brain this Christmas.

So sit back with your nog and hang out with me my in the back yard for a few minutes and learn how to think, eat, and move to keep making the magic chemical that acts like “miracle grow for your brain”!

Seriously,  I appreciate you so much and thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to what I’ve got to say.

Have fun, be safe, and I’ll talk with you after Christmas because I’ve got some exciting news about the re-opening of the Core Wellness Institute in the New Year!

Now…for the feats of strength!  (sorry if you’re not a Seinfeld fan :-))

Dr. Steve

P.S.  Early notification list for the Core Wellness Institute re-opening is at  That means you’ll be first to get the chance at cool early enrollment bonuses.  Over and out.


  1. Just want you to know that I love the beard. You might want to reconsider getting rid of it. However, I can understand how it might be to hot considering the warm weather. Unusual for you to be picking greens in your shirt sleeves in Indiana on Christmas Eve. Congratulations on repairing your refrigerator, and then using that new life skill as a way to inspire us to learn something new so our brains get healthier.

    I hope we will be privileged to have some footage of a Christmas Hike, even though your company is coming to your house this holiday, rather than you going away.

    The abundant merrymaking everywhere this time of year, seems to involving an abundance of less than nutritious food. I find it amazing that it is so easy to forget “why” I want to eat “more green, and less grain” Thank you for the reminder.

  2. Thanks Santa Steve!! You are always an inspiration. Here’s to a year filled with calming the buzz, learning new things , overcoming fears, and lots of BDNF! Make sure you forward the info on your course and grand opening. I want to share with others. Merry Christmas !

  3. Dr.Steve, I realize the point of the video is to keep our brains fresh – not to turn us all into refrigerator repairmen. But … our refrigerator just suddenly stopped cooling! After I saw your video I checked youtube – the likely culprits are the starter relay and capacitor – I never heard of them before, repairs are not my thing, and….. I’m about to replace them!!!
    As always, you give me the inspiration (and in your course, you gave me the how-to) to make things possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    A wonderful new year to you and Rebecca and your family.

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