Sit ups, for some, can be very dangerous…especially if you have a low back problem that gets aggravated by bending forward and / or lifting.
Here’s some better alternatives for training your core stability and build some buffer against back pain.
Enjoy and leave your comments and questions below.
For more info on finding your natural, organic core stability and posture to reverse the pain and unhealthy aging from Crossed Posture Syndrome, Click HERE.
Thank you so much for this core stability video, much appreciated. I am a huge fan of Dr. Stuart McGill for almo
almost a year now and I own his book Back Mechanic(awesome read). Thanks again Doc for helping everyone with your unbelievable knowledge of knowing how our bodies work and how to improve our posture and health.. You are truly a wonderful person!!!
My pleasure, Sandy. Stu is the man.
fantastic video and information
Always very informative. Everything you say/demonstrate makes so much sense.
You talk about TrA activation via Pallof Press but no mention of the role of obliques during same move? This is not a criticism, Dr Steve, merely an observation. . . .
I am a massive fan of your work & knowledge; I have been a member of CWI for some years now. As a fellow therapist I appreciate and respect the amount of time & effort you put into remaining abreast of current findings/research.
Ray Tanner