It’s time to re-visit this controversial “mortality predicting” test once again.
I just had to bring it back up after training yet another patient to get up and down off the floor yesterday.It’s a movement skill that you should train daily, no matter how old you are. And you can never lose it.
And if you’ve lost it…today’s episode of Core Wellness TV will be very important for you.
The last time I talked about the “Sitting Rising Test” I got some angry comments. I guess when you bring up mortality, emotions can come to the surface!
Here’s what I share in today’s episode…
- Why this test can actually be dangerous for some people to attempt
- Alternative strategies for getting up and down off the ground that are safe for you knees.
- The “magic motion to master” that will keep you youthful and confident
- How you can turn this functional skill into cardiovascular exercise.
- How to train “snapshots” of the up and down movement
- Advanced “running man” strategy for those who want to take it to the next level.
Enjoy the training and let me know what you think in the comments below!
I love the idea of snapshots. I would love to see the movements broken down into slow motion micro steps with a focus on on needs to be strengthened and stretched at each point.
As someone with RA/OA, severe ROM restriction in both knees and weakness and ROM restrictions in hands and wrists, I would love to be able to build up over time to be able to get up this way. Even if it takes a year!
I do realize this would be hard for an able-bodied person to work through. Would be nice, though.
I’m considering creating a new course doing exactly that, Micchia. There’s a huge need for this type of training. Be sure to seek out a functional medicine approach for your autoimmune issues. Nutrition can make a big impact on stiffness and range of motion.
That sounds great! I’ll certainly be watching for it.
Yes, nutrition is key. The RA is in almost complete remission now after years of nutrition tweaking and additional recent improvements thanks to the Autoimmune Protocol and Dr. Wahls’ protocol. Also OA causes no pain despite complete lack of knee cartilage.
The intractable problem is knee arthrofibrosis and lack of full extension that developed following undiagnosed breaks to both tibial plateaus. Mostly a matter of finding workarounds.
Good on you, Michia. Congrats on taking responsibility for your own health.
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I tried to to this the first way, legs crossed and go down and up. No way could I do it less than 7 (better going down). Having spinal issues kept me from being able to do it I think. Now I see there is a better way and I can get up and down easily and 8. One hand up and down. Now I don’t think I’ll die within 6 years YIKES
You have helped me immeasurably during the past few months. I now have a private trainer and have gotten into Yoga.
Thanks again
It’s just not natural to do the crossed leg thing. It’s GREAT to hear you’re moving better and taking care of yourself. Enjoy your Yoga!
Good to see positive comments on this as I tried this and really love it. I go for walks along the beach at times with my husband and we sit and have a picnic. Me getting up ( trying ) should have been videoed as it takes some time and struggle I cannot wait to use this method next time. Thank you.
You’re welcome, It’s a very important pattern to train and maintain, Christina. Enjoy the beach!
Helpful (because you are both brilliant AND clear) and also inspiring, Dr.Steve. Your course was one of the best things that ever happened to me; and my husband is so glad I took it because moving correctly lets me be in a good mood, ha ha. Thank you!!
Good to hear from you, Cynthia! You are a Reverse CPS trailblazer!
Wow — thank you so much! I’ve been concerned about the sit-stand test for awhile. I can get down at 5, but not up. Several years ago I began sleeping on the floor (not literally but w/ a firm 4-inch comfy foam mattress) b/c so many of my friends (I’m 72) kept talking about how they’d never go on the floor b/c they’d never get up again and I did not want that constraint. I was determined to always be able to get down on the floor and get up. I’m not so well disciplined to do exercises for the purpose, so I created a circumstance that required I go down on the floor and get up on a daily basis (often multiple times at night as I drink a lot of water!). But when I became aware of the sit-stand test I was concerned b/c I go into the bear walk position when I get up, which would take 2 pts away b/c I use my hands — although I’m able to do it easily, swiftly and comfortably. Thank you for validating my approach!
Wow is right, Karen! You actually took it step above what I was talking about with making sure you “trained” it everyday.
This is a BIG lesson and I will be talking about it more since you brought it up.
Change STICKS when we change our environment because we must adapt. We constantly adapt to our environment and it shapes….dare I say even CREATES who we are and what we can (or cannot) do!
Thank you so much for posting this reply.
Thank you so much for this video. Being able to get up and down off the floor as well as being able to sit cross-legged on the floor have very recently become important to me. Flexibility is on that same must-do list. Perfect timing!
No time better to start then now, Donna. Keep it up!
I downloaded the periscope app on my smart phone. Apparently Periscope doesn’t let users pick which shows they watch. I just heard my phone whistle. I looked, and it was Periscope. It was somebody I didn’t recognize. I have no idea if he could see me. I clicked the X and uninstalled Periscope. Doing your own show on your website works quite well. I don’t see periscope as useful.
Hi Lois, I’ll continue doing my normal Core Wellness TV episodes. I’m going to experiment with Periscope for less formal interaction. You can control who you follow and what notifications you get through the app.
Thank you for yet another great video. I received notification of the new video several days ago, and have wanted to find time to watch it for several days, but life has been so hectic that did not seem to be an option.
Made the time today, and instantly felt inspired.
When I first started working with you, my mindset was very warped. Due to health issues, I could do so few of the movements I considered exercise, that I had stopped trying.
You inspired me to change my thinking from viewing the exercises I attempted as pathetic, to understanding that any movement could be a building block for a more complicated natural function.
Your snapshot approach to movement has been life changing for me. I have sporadically worked on these building blocks recently; however, I had allowed needs of others to take priority of my time, and fallen into the old habit of procrastinating finding the time to take care of me, until a less hectic time.
Thank you for the reminder that I need to make time to move everyday, no matter how hectic life seems to be.
I am sure your work on Periscope will be very helpful to many. I am also delighted to read that you are still going to also continue the Course, and the Core Wellness TV episodes, as I do not have a tablet, and only a “dinosaur phone” without text. Thank you for not leaving those of us who are still struggling to learn how to use the computer, as you expand into new technology.
Thanks for this video on getting up. I took a DNS class last week and my camera didn’t work. You do it as easily as she did, and your English is much better.
Thanks again.
Isaac Freeman
Well, I can still get up and down, but your video helped me refine the posture [esp. the arm/shoulder/side alignment]. However, down is easier with fewer support points than up. I feel unsure of my arm strength, so I will be including getting down and up daily along with my tai chi routine. Also, looking forward to seeing the rest of the evaluation videos.
Great idea, Kat. Yes, creating that power to support yourself as you transfer to bear crawl is key. Make sure you maintain intra abdominal presssure and your shoulder blades down.
I need to do the exercise and get into the self tests. It is somewhat painful due to my hands have duputrins contracture.
Love this. Even though I can do that other test with ease, my clients sure as heck cannot. I always thought it was kind of stupid. Thank you for breaking this down and always relating our movements to babies and toddlers.
P.s. Love the beard. LOL! Looks good.
My pleasure, Meg. It needed to be done.
Just for general info: In the original study using the SRT test to predict longevity, there was no requirement to cross the feet/ legs while sitting or rising; this was permitted but it was not a required. People were free to come up or go down however they wanted to. Also people with any sort of physical condition that would make sitting and rising unsafe were not included in the study. My physio told me about this as a simple measure of fitness and flexibility.
Inspiring stuff! Very useful.
I can’t band my left knee.
Can you please help me how can I sit on the floor
Or get up from the floor.
Thank you!!
I would appreciate even more if possible!!
My “case” is knee arthrosis with hardly any carteledge left.
Again thank you
God bless you for this info, Dr Steve! Another YT suggests I’m a goner in six years and I’m only 57! (Somewhat disabled due to MS) * Now I have some exercises to do!
Thank you for this video.
I am interested in training in this practice you’ve demonstrated with such enthusiasm, as I work with the elderly and find that it could be life changing for many.
Please let me know where you are located and if you offer trainings on this technique
Thanks again,
Teresa Resnick LMT