[Video Postcard] “Edutainment” Hike – Rainbow Falls, Acid, Ankles, and Anti-Oxidant Water!

Nathaniel Smoky MountainsWhenever I go on vacation, I can’t help but think of how nature and natural ways can teach us so much.

So I recorded some snippets from our adventures at Great Smokies National Park in Gatlinburg, TN for you.

Along with the awesome scenery up the trail, I share:

  • An important stretch for your ankles so you don’t end up with knee, hip, low back, and other upstream pains.
  • The best position for climbing stairs (or mountains).
  • Exactly WHY exposing yourself to moving water (and drinking good water and living foods) acts as powerful antioxidant therapy so you can protect your brain, heart, and every cell in your body!
  • Why a Smoky Mountain stream works just like your kidneys to get rid of acid (and what you can do to get your cells more alkaline and healthy.)
  • Plus some overriding words of wisdom from my 10 year old sidekick (and camera man), Nathaniel. 

Hope you enjoy the hike and learn something along the way.

Now get out and have an adventure!

Dr. Steve

(Leave me your questions and comments below!)


  1. This is great… thanks for taking us along – I’m missing that sort of thing, right down to the tiny rocks.
    And good foot/ankle reminders, And great kids too.

  2. I loved the hike. It was so beautiful. I could feel tension leaving my body as I watched this video. I will visit the Rainbow Falls often thanks to you and Nathaniel, he did a great job as cameraman. It is so inspiring to see a whole family enjoying the good life, and the healthy results. That shot of your son loving his green drink is the epitome of what happens to a body that eats good food, thinks good thoughts, and has great movement. Thank you for the postcard video. Sometimes the stress in life seems to crowd out time to take care of me. This video reminded me why it is important to find time for me. What a blessing for your sons to have videos of these memories together. Thank you all for sharing your inspiration.

    • Glad we could share, Carol.

      I felt bad because I gave Nathaniel a hard time after he bounced the camera around when I was talking about climbing stairs / using glutes / etc. but he redeemed himself at the end and I got a lesson in patience and releasing outcome.

      Take care of you.

      • It probably bothered you a lot more than it did him. I find it amazing how much we can learn if we are aware of our interactions. Releasing outcomes is an important lesson to work on. Stress levels can be so much less for us and those around us if we can let go.

  3. hello dr hoffman, thank you again for sharing your knowledge and kindness, but i was thinking of this the other day, what is the last support point i should push away from, is it the sternum, the neck, or should i also push away with my head or do i let my head fall and let my cervical flexors catch my head, and also i just want to be sure i have it right, i have to let my ribs fall, and still be tall. and i have to push up, and also push in front of me with my thoracic spine and tuck in my chin, and conect my pubic bone and the inside of my elbows as if i was a baby crawling on the floor. do i have it right dr hoffman? thank you again dr hoffman.

    • We need to simplify here, John. The original “Push Away” feeling is from the baby belly and baby back in the free series you got when you subscribed to this blog.

      The ultimate goal is to create subtle intra-abdominal pressure. There is no “last support point” to push away from. The feeling is created simultaneously.

      Your head should feel as if it’s floating and going up. You can also imagine the ceiling lowering and you are trying to keep it up.

      • Bingo! Thank You!
        That is a great image for me. When I “imagine the ceiling lowering and I am trying to keep it up” it becomes as automatic as putting my “shoulders in my back pocket”

      • hello dr hoffman, what carol mentionned, putting your shoulder blades in your back pocket, could you specify dr hoffman, do you mean like pulling your shoulder blades to the ground, or rotating them inwards into your back, or both, thanks again dr hoffman,

  4. Thanks for sharing!!!! You guys were in our neck of the woods!!!! If you get back this way we can show you some other great waterfalls in Greene county! Thank you for taking the time to include us in your adventures!!!!

  5. Great health and core wellness demonstrations, presented in every-day activities! Thanks for sharing your family outing. Makes us all feel like family!

  6. Hello Dr. Steve ,

    thanks for the nice video from Smokey Mountains . Very interesting – tomorrow I will test the “moving water” effekt.

    Nearly two years ago I really got so much neck pain after doing push ups and pull ups at the gym .
    So I had to go to a spezial “back doctor” in Cologne , they made some tests and told me it would be very important to get pictures from a MRt .
    But the Mrt doctor could not find anything.

    Then I searched for informations and one day got to Dr Steves video about correct Pull Up and Push Up technique.
    Soon I had to realized from this really helpful informations what I did wrong and were my neck pain came from.

    Thank you so much ! Richard

  7. What a beautiful family you have, Dr. Steve. And thank you for that great info re. ankle mobility and negative ions in one’s life. Best regards- Jackie Levy

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