Pay really close attention to this video because it helps you avoid the most toxic movement program ever…”The lift and twist” with a flexed or “rounded” spine.
Snow shoveling is a classic example of a disc blowing maneuver that can put you on the road to be grumpy, disabled, and eventually a burden to everyone around you!!!
Every moment of every day can be a highly effective, pain relieving, spine sparing exercise if you pay attention to…
Leave me a comment if you’ve been getting any benefits out of these videos or if you’ve got a movement pattern or question you’d like me to cover in an upcoming episode!!
FYI…There’s LOTS more in-depth functional movement videos for strain free, pain free movement inside the full training course. You can find out exactly what to expect from the course HERE
Nice shoveling technique but I’m still a little unclear on some of the finer points. Could come to the storage lot at my shop and further demonstrate for a few hours?
That’s funny…Good to hear from you, Mike!
It’s supposed to snow again next week. We could do snow shoveling school, a workshop, out front at the shop(s). Nice gloves!
Yes, Ann…the gloves are sweet.
Dr. Steve, Excellent advice. I figured out that I needed to use the kegel the second time I went out to shovel today. Then I saw your post — I wasn’t getting the breath down deep enough! Third time’s a charm–hopefully snow will be over in a couple of hours.
BTW, you mention a research study by a gal at the U of Gottenborg. I can’t find the link–can you post it? Sounds like it might have some helpful tips for my seniors.
Thanks a lot..
It’s a link at the bottom of the post, Marie. Excellent work.
Thoroughly appreciate the information about pelvic stability and breath.
If you ever do a shoveling video again, could you explain if the body should be in a squat position with legs equal or if one leg should be in front of the other like yours were? Additional, explain how to use the glutes to lift too.
I want to make sure I’m shoveling fully correctly. I hip hinge well and rotate with a nice long back, but I want to also squat in the best way possible.
Thanks so much!’s a “split squat” or “lunge” position, Meg. But all the hip hinge mechanics apply.
When you prepare to lift and twist, you first create the brace or intra abdominal pressure then you “drive” with the glutes along with the shoulder blade pulse I talked about in the video to create the strain free, centrated movement.
Hi Doc, I send folks to your site all the time for follow-up after receiving bodywork sessions– all of your tips are so right on! The neuro re-training is so important and I really appreciate your passion and persistence in delivering the message. Kudos to your camerawoman too 🙂 Maybe Springtime is not too far away– yes to planting those greens!! Thanks much, Beth Burgin in Charlotte NC
Thanks Beth! Yes, the grooving of good movement patterns will make your job easier for sure! Rebecca is an amazing partner in the message and an amazing life partner as well.
Can’t wait to get my hands in the dirt. You plant some too and we’ll make the world a better place.
Great. I guess I’m asking if the squat should be a one-legged lunge or can it be a traditional squat? If not, how would that disrupt the proper movement mechanics.
Thanks again! Love the videos.
You should train both the traditional squat and a lunge position, Meg.
Thank you!!! 🙂
Hello, I’m posting from Basel, Switzerland where Spring is just around the corner…i.e. no snow but I expect to do some gardening work soon. Can you direct me to any good posts or videos on “healthy” gardening techniques?Thank you.
Hello Judy! I’ve done quite a bit of footage in the garden.
Type in “garden” into the search box and there will be a bunch of episodes that come up with Physical tips are interspersed here and there.
When the weather breaks I’ll try to do some more garden training episodes.
Excellent tutorial! Love the term “snowkegels”!
I will pass this along to all my Michigan friends!
Thanks for sharing, Diane! Glad you liked it.
That’s just sissy snow that you’ve got there. What do you do when you have an 8 or 12 foot mound and you have to try to THROW the snow over so it doesn’t come back on top of you. I live in the maritimes in Canada and if I were to do a simple boop twist here it would be July before I was out.
I’m a 60 year old woman who’s been shoveling all her life and here’s tip for the women who lack upper body strength. Before you lift the shovel move your hand closer to the shoulder of the shovel. It lightens the load. And here’s another one. When you have hard snow you use your foot to push the shovel into it and the you slide it toward yourself before you lift it, again sliding your hand close to the shoulder of the shovel. And tip number three. Switch sides often. Learn to left hand shovel as well as right hand shovel. No sense wearing out only side. 🙂
Love your videos, Dr. S.
Great tips on shortening the lever arms, Shirley…Thanks!