How To Avoid “Closing Down” With Your Posture, Mind, and Cellular Health (A Lesson From Honeysuckle)

How Can This Point On Your Hand Help You Have Better Posture?

This Video Represents
The Goal Of Life…


As I walked into the gazebo at the park to record this episode, the amazing smell of sweet honeysuckle flooded my senses and immediately increased my state of calm.

So I hope some of that calm gets transferred to you with this "honeysuckle inspired" video that is all about STAYING OPEN.

  • Learn a critical mindset tip to avoid Alzheimer's. 
  • Learn specific nutrients that keep cell to cell communication OPEN so all of your 100 trillion cells can speak to each other (do you think that's important?). 
  • And of course, learn how to activate your "inborn spiral of power" for pain relief and organic posture with a simple intention that automatically turns it on!

Thank you for listening!  I appreciate it!   -Dr. Steve

Be sure to let me know what's on your mind by asking a question
or leaving me your thoughts in the comment section below! 


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  1. I think this is one of the most insightful,wonderful posts yet (and I look forward to each & every one of them)! Thank you Dr. Steve, for sharing your enthusiasm & knowledge!

  2. Thank you so much for your wisdom… I found you by accident on the net and am so grateful for your posts as it couldn’t have come at a better time . Many blessings to you and your loved ones 🙂 People like you are an inspiration

  3. Thanks for the great video. I have a friend whose stepdad is unable to stand or walk straight up any longer, and I feel so sure his problem is muscle imbalance. I’ve suggested he connect with you, and have even sent him some of your videos. He actually uses a rolling walker now b/c he can’t walk but a few steps without pain. I’m so sure you could help him!

  4. You sent me comments on my first two tests suggesting two exercises. I could not find the two exercises and now your comments are not coming up when I go to the comment section. I guess I am not smart enough to figure out how to use this website.

    • Hi John, the exercises I referred to are on the free series dashboard. You got that link when you signed up for the self test and exercise series.

      Check that email and you’ll have it! -drh

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