[Video] What REALLY Causes Pain (and how to make your own morphine)

Here we go!  Ready to make some NEW things HAPPEN this year?


In this recent Q&A video excerpted from my coaching program, I share how to make your brain actually drip some pain relieving morphine into your system (really…it’s true!)

I also talk about why building STRENGTH is not what helps with pain…HINT…it’s more about your PATTERNS of movement (no matter how big your biceps are!)


The really cool thing is that neuroscience is teaching us the amazing fact that just understanding HOW pain works can automatically HELP with pain.  

Even if YOU don’t have pain, by learning these concepts and sharing this video, you’ll be able to help people you care about!

Check it out and leave you comments and questions below!

Dr. Steve

P.S.  If you’re ready for less pain and more energy and want access to the same training and education my patients receive without traveling thousands of miles and spending thousands of dollars…the Core Wellness Training Course is now available at www.reversecpsnow.com.

The unique Eastern European posture and movement training, psychological success conditioning, and age reversal nutrition strategies are available and waiting for you inside!  Join hundreds of other students now!



  1. Thanks for another great video. I feel I must warn new people watching this video. Once you begin feeling less pain from moving this way, you will be hooked. lol I was desperate for pain relief when I first discovered one of your videos. Then I was amazed when it worked. As I have gotten deeper and deeper into the course my pain is gone. I am down from pain medication multiple times a day to not being able to remember the last time I needed to take something for pain. Your explanation of how the brain releases natural pain relief explained to me what I experienced. As a result of having cancer, and its toxic treatments multiple times my pain was so great I moved as little as possible. I had the mind set of a victim. As I began to move little by little to my surprise, my pain was less and less instead of worse as I expected. Thank you for helping me claim my life back.

    • You’re welcome, Carol.

      You are a great example of someone with commitment to making change happen.

      Shifting from victim mentality is tough because it becomes your identity. Congrats on seeking knowledge and taking action to MOVE and to break the loop of insanity.

  2. Piriformis Stretch For Back Pain and Sciatica…Done Right! http://youtu.be/2qZ517Rw7ME is the video I was talking about that changed my life. At that time I had so much pain all of the time, I only got out of my power chair when absolutely necessary. I stayed very stiff and still most of the time because the slightest movements made me hurt all over. One day I was curious what would come up on the internet if I googled butt pain. I discovered the word sciatica, googled it, and found Dr. Steve. I could not do the exercise correctly; however, when I adapted it to what I could do, I got enough relief from my pain that I was amazed. In the years since I have learned how important the mind, body, nutrition pieces are, and little by little have begun to reclaim my health.

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