- How to get along with everyone and have a peaceful holiday experience!
- A plate filling strategy that won’t “pick you up and throw you down”!
- What key supplements to have on hand in case you DO plan on eating a bit too much.
- TWO simple stress relieving physical exercises that you can share with EVERYONE that will make them happier instantly!
3 Holiday Health Protectors so you can lower your stress and “build your buffer” against the mental, physical, and nutritional challenges of Thanksgiving and beyond.
(If you’re not in the U.S. just think of it as a day to focus more on gratitude!)
And YES…enrollment for the full Core Wellness Training Course is Now Open
Enjoy and leave me your questions and comments below! And let me know if YOU have any other strategies for making the holidays healthier!
Resources From This Episode
- Spectrazyme Pan-9X (formally Azeopangin) – helpa break down food into smaller pieces so it can be better absorbed. That means less gas and bloating, too!
- Spectazyme Metagest (betaine hydrochloride plus other synergistic nutrients) to correct stomach acidity and stimulate proper digestive enzyme release from the pancreas.
- Core Wellness Training Course is Now Open
Thanks for the pep talk before the food war
HA! That’s funny, Art. Good luck!
I love the terminology of “Happy Gratitude Day”. I love the thought of making each day a happy gratitude day. Thank you for sharing. When I see you move in your bent over shuffle, I feel like you have been watching me move. lol Where are you? Thank you for allowing me to enjoy the beautiful path. I can almost smell it.
hello dr hoffman thank you again for another awesomevideo, but i have a question, i saw your rib cage secret video, and i have been trying to keep my ribs at the lowest expiratory position, but lately ive noticed my sternum collapsing and my thoracic region has a sort of kyphosis, i know im not supposed to lift my chest up but can i lift my sternum a little bit as long as my ribs dont flair out thank you again dr hoffman
Perfect reminders!! Since being enrolled in your course I have been making everyday a “Thanks Giving Day” I have been making the attempt to find something to be thankful for everyday. I also try, though not able to do everyday, a way to help someone in someway, for friends and family and those I don’t even know…opening a door for someone stopping to get something for someone that I am going to visit… helping with yard work just any little thing that will be some help to someone. This past weekend I was able to help my brother split and load several pick up truck loads of wood to help him with his heating needs for the rest of the year….. best thing about it????? absolutely no back pain at all. Through your course I have learned how to move and build strength to be able to work so that I can prevent overuse pain. I am so much stronger and better able to move now than when I was in my 20-30’s!!!!! Your course has been very helpful in incorporating your techniques into everyday life….. I am so THANKFUL that I found your course. I hope your Thanksgiving Day was as enjoyable as mine!!!! Again thank you for a wonderful course!
Nancy D