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Crossed Posture Back Pain and Stiffness Relief in 8.5 Minutes (Live Amazing Demonstration)

Relief from back pain and stiffness really can be simple. The video clip below was taken from a recent live training event where I worked with willing volunteers to show how pain, stiffness, and unhealthy aging from  Crossed Posture Syndrome can be eliminated almost magically with a little bit of muscle balance knowledge. In the video below, take special notice…

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My Daily Routine For Hip and Back Health…Listening To The Drovers

[youtube] I absolutely LOVE doing this piece of my daily routine.  It combines hip stretching, balance, coordination, strength, and agility.  It's also a very important move to do if you have lower crossed syndrome or you sit a lot. I realize that many people will have knee or foot or hip issues or other things that may keep you…

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Awesome Combo Exercise For Your Low Back, Hips, and Knees

If I had a favorite combination exercise for the low back, hips, and knees…this is IT! The #1 benefit is likely it’s ability to take the load off of your low back and give you more confidence that you back will support you. For the hips…it will help you get more mobility AND stability along with good functional movement that…

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2 Of The Best Low Back Pain Exercises For Instant Relief That Are Commonly Overlooked

The 2 exercises you’ll learn today may amaze you because even though they are 2 dynamite low back pain exercises, neither one of them really exercises your “back muscles”.  The new paradigm says this, “Stop Treating The Site Of Pain!” You have to look for the movement and posture PROGRAMS you’re using that are repetitively damaging your tissues!  So take…

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5 Moves in 5 Minutes To Keep You Young and Vital

[youtube]1xVAcSoJYBw[/youtube]     As you join me today for my morning movement ritual with the geese at Perrin Park, you'll discover the 5 moves I do when I didn't make time fdon't have time for anything else (although I didn't show sun salutations on this video, which I normally do as a warm up). I'm always amazed how just a few minutes of good…

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How To Climb Stairs Without Making This Harmful Mistake

Today’s video brings to light something most people NEVER even consider when it comes to protecting and preserving you spine, hips, and knees from debilitating pain syndromes.  This subtle little “movement pattern adjustment” will make a world of difference when you apply it to your stair climbing, ellipticals, and especially if you’re doing any kind of step aerobics!   Let’s…

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How To Activate Your Anti-Gravity Posture System

 When you grasp this whole concept of "Anti-Gravity Posture Training", your whole life will change.   This morning a client told me "Dr. Hoffman…by learning about my core, I finally feel hopeful and more in control of my healtlh!" So I thought I would share some of her training and education with you. This whole concept of "Deep Core Amnesia" described in the video below is just…

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Avoid Back Injuries With This Simple Functional Fitness Move

One of the top fitness trends for 2010 that actually makes sense is "Functional Fitness". This means training your body with movements that actually mimic real life situatations or "activities of daily living". In this short but VERY impactful video, I talk about the most basic functional fitness move that you MUST incorporate into your everyday living or else suffer…

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