Core Wellness Training To Reverse Crossed Posture Syndrome

Announcing: Core Wellness Institute Training Program Open

Core Wellness Coaching Course to Reverse The Pain, Fatigue, and Unhealthy Aging From Crossed Posture Syndrome is NOW OPEN!

How To Stretch Your Pecs and Reverse Your Biological Age

There’s something about being barefoot in my lettuce patch that allows good content to flow for you. Today is a full “3 Pillars” episode of Core Wellness TV from the fall garden where you’ll discover… The future of dentistry and fixing jaw problems (and what I’m going to reveal to 80 or so dentists in November.) The most common mistake to…

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Reverse CPS Now!

WHY and HOW To Fix Crossed Posture (Demo Workshop Recorded Live)

Last Tuesday was the second event in a Holistic Medicine community awareness project I'm part of (along with 2 other M.D.'s and a D.O.) called  "Pathways To Individual Health".    I took my segment and posted the entire video for you below so you can stay up to date!   As you'll see…my computer bonked out as I started giving…

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Reverse CPS Now!

“The 5-Step Method To Correct Bad Posture and Movement Habits – Permanently!”

One of the most common questions I get from patients and online course students is:   “When will this new way of breathing/moving/ standing/walking/ squatting/etc feel NATURAL to me?”   In today’s episode I share a short case study from an online student along with a 5-step framework you can use to rewire good, functional, pain free, strain free patterns…

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Reverse CPS Now!

How To Reduce Neck and Shoulder Pain PLUS: New “Back to School” Software For Creating Healthy Habits

Woo Hoo!   Back to school!  Time for some new software programs that create healthier habits!   But the software I'm talking about is totally FREE and created by YOU! Consider this…all of your habits…the way you think, the way you move, the way you stand, the way you eat, the way you get ready for your day…they are all just…

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Reverse CPS Now!

Study: Posture Angle Predicts Loss Of Independence In Activities of Daily Living

"Independence" Offer Ended On July 5th, 2013, Below is the link with all the details about the full "Reverse CPS Now! Training Course" This is the week where you make the commitment to your freedom.   To celebrate Independence Day here in the U.S., I released the video above with very serious message about maintaining your freedom from pain and…

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5 Reasons Why 20-Minutes of Yoga Can Sharpen Your Brain Function

[fb-like] So 20 minutes of a mindful movement practice can make your brain faster and sharper? That’s what researchers from the University of Illinois at Champaigne Urbana proved in a recent study They compared the 20 minute yoga session to a 20 minute aerobic walk / run and the yoga proved to be significantly better at improving working memory and…

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Reverse CPS Now!

Daniel’s Back Pain Case Study (Virtual Posture Evaluation)